Actually, the matter is you can modify the size of any ramdisk
filesystem (up to a harcoded maximum) you want include, an /usr /lib or
/var, but / (root) filesystem size and content is defined by the
initrd.gz filesystem . You must create a new one.
How to do this was already discussed months ago on this list and is
somewhat documented in file next to 0.51 version on ftp site.

Antonio Garcia.

DarkAxis Communications User wrote:
> >
> > Nope.  I just tried copying some files into / on my Libretto, and got
> > the same condition.
> >
> >
> Thats because your root / device only has a small amount of space on it
> due to it being in RAM... mount /dev/hda1 or something and put packages on
> it or make yourself a disk again and use it for up to 1.47mb...
> Next question :P
> bOOtstrap
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