It is a complicate situation and I'm sorry to know that you got to that point. Dropping a class isn't a solution because the only person that would "suffer" from this would be you and no one else (that could be a solution only if a lot of people, more than 50%, would stop doing their assignment on WebAssign at the same time, you can call this a boycott).

If I was you I would :

-- Send and email to every math teacher on the university talking about the problem and a possible solution

-- Talk about this issue to other students in order to make them do the same (sending the same email or signing a petition)

-- Send an email to WebAssign talking about your problem

But since you don't have any other solution, you need to do it, I feel horrible for saying that but it is preferable for you, as a student, to do this using a LiveCD than loosing your class (and the money by the same occasion). A lot of people may not agree with me (and I don't agree with myself either), but (for me) it is better than just saying "OK I Will do what you want !".

I had the same problem with Cisco Packet Tracer (where there is no alternative for doing what they want), but I am "discussing" about that and I maybe found a solution, because the teachers can actually listen to the students (not all, but it is better than no one at all).

The best you could do, is to find a professor that agrees with you and would be likely to send an email do WebAssign with the same problem, that could make WebAssign change a little bit the way they work.

Hope it helps.

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