On 11/04/2012 10:20 AM, nospamh...@runbox.com wrote:
The OP is rude, but also does not reflect the reality of the world. Ask yourself this:

How many people do you know who switched from 100% non-free system to 100% free system in one switch?

I don't know anyone who did that. I myself didn't do that. I went from a 100% non-free system to overwhelmingly free system (which wasn't 100% free). I then played around with mostly free, but not fully free systems before I finally switched to 100% free system. It took a few years for me to get here and ultimately, I had to get burned by the non-free in just the right way to finally understand why 100% free will always be in my best interest.

The switch to 100% free is rarely (never?) a complete switch in one move. It can take years for someone to understand why a total switch to 100% is necessary and anyone selling in the market MUST work within this reality. Accepting FACTS and working with those FACTS, hardly makes one a hypocrite.

I did;

I ordered a thinkpenguin notebook with Trisquel loaded on it (This is it)
Works beautifully.

Tom Gilliard

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