Ahaha, your avatar actually looks like she just read vPro comments, asking to marry her xD xD

Anyway, the point is... I totally agree with you, open standards are the future! And I totally support them. But I was talking about a solution for now, as in "I need a free clean computer to use NOW, I will change the world tomorrow".
For now, the best way is to use old computers.
For me it seems like we are right now bounded to a no win situation, because:

1. Modern computers HAVE backdoors in hardware.
2. Old computers have limited hardware resources (and might also have backdoors we don't know about). 3. Open source hardware are limited, and will usually run only gnewsense or some other "not so stable" distro. Also, involve a lot of do it yourself, which I am not good at (i am good with software, not hardware).

So....Old computers are not a solution, but a compromise for now. But, once a open hardware project gets to the point that I can use them and they are within my price range... I get one ;)

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