roboq6, are you making jokes here ;)
Operating systems are among the most complicated things in the world of programming. They are not some high-level application, but include relatively high-level applications as well as very low-level applications as a kernel and various drivers. The current Linux (I'm talking about the kernel of GNU/Linux) has somewhere around 70-80MB. This is unformatted text. Try typing a big amount of text into a simple editor like gedit, save it, look at the size. Imagine how much text it will take to reach 70 MB. To be fair, a big part of it are device drivers, but still.

Highly skilled professionals can understand how an operating system works, in all details. Normal users, power users, newbie programmers like myself, cannot. I'm not talking about some basic concepts, I talk about full and complete understanding of all possible layers here, all the way from the basic environment down to wher BIOS starts.

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