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What the hell are you talking about? This community is amazingly friendly and helpful. Many people tried to help (although it's definitely not the right forum for that). jxself's comment was just a funny one-liner, and he never attacked nor belittled the original poster. Did you even read the thread? Or were you too busy writing another of your self-aggrandizing and narcissistic rants? By the way, how old are you?

Anyway, I understand you still don't use Trisquel, still don't share the project's ideals and still don't respect the community's guidelines, so will you please get the hell out of here?
" posted by oyesterboy violates all three norms of conduct of this forum:
1- Discrimination: Don't discriminate against people based on (...) gender, (...) age (...). 2- Language: Express yourself without hard language (i.e. cursing). Social norms differ from place to place. Hard language could deter people from visiting our site, or from getting involved in our community. 3- Personal attacks: We don't tolerate personal attacks here. We encourage discussion. Disagree with others and challenge their ideas. Don't feed the trolls.

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