Not totally accurate but point taken.

Trisquel being based on Ubuntu does pull from Ubuntu LTS which is mainly Debian Testing, not Stable. Therefore, Trisquel's packages are more recent. This is one reason why many people recommend Trisquel or Ubuntu for those who want more recent programs. gNewsense is Debian Stable, so it will always lag behind by design, exactly like Debian Stable, however, is more stable by design as is Debian Stable. Ubuntu LTS still pulls from Testing regardless of the length of support. As opposed to reg. Ubuntu which is mainly Debian Unstable. All comes down to what a person wants or needs. Debian Stable or gNewsense=slightly older but rock solid will not break, Ubuntu which is Debian Unstable and prone to frequent breaks during upgrades or somewhere in between which is Ubuntu LTS or Debian Testing or Trisquel, not as risky as Unstable but not as rock solid as Stable, you do, however, get more up to date programs.

There is a good discussion on the askubuntu thread, dealing with servers but still applicable to the general differences:

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