
Using KVM virtualization usually implies setting static values in the respective internet configuration file (/etc/network/interfaces) and I have used this method, but it's just too unpractical. So I really recommend that you get Virtualbox if you find yourself frequently on the move.

Seeing that you have already read the Documentation post (verified that you have the appropriate intel/amd modules) and if you still want to stick to KVM the first thing to sort out is the networking issue. For this we will need some more information as wireless networking is quite diverse. Assuming you have your wireless interface configured( it exists in the output of ifconfig) and that you can currently connect to the internet, we will have to find more about your network through the output of "iwlist scan" and it should allow you to see what type of security you have. I will just include the configuration for WPA as it is the one I have at hand and you did not specify the security protocol/encryption mode yet (this should be your /etc/networking/interfaces file): Note: You need root permission to change the contents of that file. You won't be able to use the GUI for managing network connections with this configuration file. You want to try this first configuration mode prior to jumping to the bridging part. Note2: Make a copy of this file as i will come in handy later if you want to just use the GUI again.
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

        wpa-ssid REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_SSID

For the bridging part, you just need to change "dhcp" into "manual" and add br0 configuration from the Wiki, I cannot recall if the "wpa-ssid" and "wpa-psk" had to be moved under the br0 declaration, but you can test this out easily ( this is as far as I rember and I don't have the hardware to test this right now). As specified in the Wiki you might have to remove the "#" from those few lines if you are having weird connection issues, because it usually isn't necessary.

#### For the errors part #
Were the errors inside the virtual machine or on the command line? You can always run virt-manager from the command line with the "--debug" flag, which will report anything that is more than a slight error. The output also goes to "~/.virt-manager/virt-manager.log" when the flag is not used.

### For connecting hardware #
This is the kind of stuff that virt-manager's documentation is for. You may want to have a look at that first if it exists.

### Graphics issues #
It does really depend on your configuration (number of CPUs, RAM, other parameters if configured outside of virt-manager) and on your hardware so you should also tell us more about that.

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