Because I messed around with trying to get things to work, my /etc/network/interfaces doesn't even list my wireless connection. It just shows the "auto lo" and "iface lo inet loopback" lines. It used to show more, but when the Network Manager freaked out and wouldn't connect me anymore, I cleared everything except those two lines. The Network Manager found my wireless signal again and connected, and it works, but my interfaces file never changed.

I will take the steps you suggested and see if that allows me to bridge.

For the errors, they are instead the virtual machines. Sometimes they come up and won't let the virtual machine boot, just like if you went to boot your physical computer and errors showed up instead. Sometimes they don't, and things boot normally. No idea why it only happens sometimes and not other times.

I've attached information from sysinfo, which hopefully has all the information you asked about.

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