marioxcc suggested:

> However, as already pointed, your problem seems to be that you haven't chosen a partition to mount in “/” when installing.

Here's what I've been doing:

1. Start GParted; authenticate (i.e., run with root permissions);
2. Choose "Something Else" so that I can do the next two steps;
3. Set the target as /dev/sdb1 (the first ext4 partition in my USB-connected hard drive)
4. Set the device for boot loader installation as /dev/sdb.
5. Install ... followed by the "no defined root file system" refrain.

marioxcc seems to be echoing the recommendation: "correct this from the partitioning menu" but the real problem seems to be the lack of a master boot record, and I've already found that grub-install isn't happy without support from Windows.

Isn't there an open-source master boot record available for the GNU/linux operating systems ?

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