Hello vinzv,

This is a very good idea. I've been thinking along the same lines myself but I just wasn't able to put it into words. Also my lack of experience in the area of marketing put me off suggesting the idea.

If there is anything I can do I would be more than happy to help in any way I can.

Trisquel is unique in that it is completely free as in freedom But it's also User Friendly! This very combination is what I believe will attract many more users. It's just a matter of getting the word out there and having very accessible material to read up on to encourage more users to make the jump to freedom. (Easier said than done of course :-P )

Trisquel has such potential and I just hope one day to just bump into some random Joe Soap in a cafe and see that he's using Trisquel to design a presentation or something. That would be cool.

Anyway, love the idea,


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