i am able to graphically log in again after "mv .config .config.bak" but customizations (such as toolbar, shortcuts etc) are not restored. i am unable to find the graphical version of .config file. i can see about 8 directories and 4 files namely

dconf evolution gnome-session gtk-3.0 ibus nautilus pulse update- notifier

monitors.xml profilemigrated user-dirs.dirs user-dirs.locale

1) should i return config file using "mv .config.bak .config" and then use alt+ctrl+f1 to move individual files

2) should i start with nautilus as i suspect my overuse of "sudo nautilus" could have been cause of problem? pls guide.

3) I may have made a mistake of using "mv .config .config.bck" instead of "mv .config .config.bak". How to check if i did so and rectify?

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