You can execute 'rm -rf .config && mv .config.bak .config' (or do that graphically, from the Nautilus file manager, after showing the hidden files). You can then choose one of the files in ~/.config and move it. For instance:
$ mv .config/gnome-session .config/gnome-session.bak

If you can still graphically log in after that operation, then the moved file was the culprit. Otherwise, you can 'mv' it back and try another file.

You can list the files in .config with 'ls':
$ ls .config

To list hidden files from the terminal, option -a must be used. For instance to list the hidden files in the working directory:
$ ls -a

It does not matter if you wrote ".config.bck". You can choose any file name but one that already exists. If you really wrote ".config.bck" then you can restore your old .config with 'rm -rf .config && mv .config.bck .config'. But, again, you can do that graphically now that you can graphically log in.

Discover the use of the [Tab] key in the terminal: it auto-completes. For instance, if you write 'mv .con[Tab]' then, you will get 'mv .config' unless there exists another file whose name starts with ".con" but not with ".config". In practice, when using the terminal, we press [Tab] every two keys!

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