"I can not delete software - so that is 100% in definition of bloatware" You can.....please say what you tried to and then cannot delete and one of us may be able to help with that.

I do not understand you attitude, critical opinion is crucial for improvement and it seems like You took it as I'm your enemy.He isn't taking it as if you;e his enemy though - peope do have different "styles" of stating things and let's not assume the attitude of a person simply by the words he uses on his first reply.

Why also installer asks for full name and nicknameLet's put it this way: Trisquel doesn't write an OS from the ground-up (it doesn;t say so on the front page, but all GNU/Linux distros actually do is....), but rather take the GNU OS, Linux, and many other software I won;t name that aren't quite less important and assembles them into a full OS. One of these assembled things (that wasn't written by Trisquel) are the mechanism where the users have 2 names: a "computer" name (nickname) used for logging in and another name that can be used by the computer to call the person that isn't really important in the operation of the computer (this is why the nickname can't be changed while the "full" namme can). Trisquel calls this the "Full" name which, looking at what I've just written, is a bit inaccurate.

"I can not install software that is not free software which is regime, censorship and limitation of freedom"Something's wrong - it's no your fault so please say what it is you can't install as we otherwise don't understand what you're saying since we are able to install things, meaning there may be a bit of a misundersanding between you and your system.

Is this free software for You? For me definitely not.Do note though that's it's a very specific kind of freedom that's being talked about here, in a similar way to how equality doesn't mean a lack of rich and poor.

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