>>> You should be able to select whether it is a fast-forward or advanced process.
Fair enough, if that exists in other distros.

>>> Why don't make advanced installation option where You choose ALL the details?
I think that would actually be a nice option, if doable.
Of course, that would mean at least one more question during the install process.

>>> Now I have fresh installed Trisquel and want to clear it up without messing it up (last time I deleted bluetooth made things disappear from gnome menu). First, thinkabout that: can you delete bluetooth in Windows or OSX? No. Rather cool, right? Now, The best way is indeed the netinstall. But since you have a bad connection, maybe it's possible to make a minimal install
from the DVD with the text install.

>>> First thing that makes me tremble is the wait-up at boot-up for internet connection.
I don't experience that at all. Are you sure it's Trisquel-related.
If so, maybe try to install again. But that's last resort option.
First let's try to find why this happens (besides having a bad connection).

>>> Then the speed-up of boot-up and overall performance improvement including purging of unnecessary services. What is unneccessary to you isn't for others. The boot speed can be improved, but I suppose your hardware limits that also.

>>> Another step would be changing Ubuntu's log-in screen with a light-weight one. You mean lightDM? It's as light as it gets. But you can also remove it and log from the command line. If interested, I can expand on that.

>>> PS - That is a broad topic but it is very visible with a naked eye that open software and free software are not easily transparent for usual user and so are not used as they could be - so does their code and so does all of theirs documentation or lack of it, what about putting it in an useful guide (not in useless as now) or placing text files in system folders that describe things up for a noob?
First, everything is transparent, that's one of the points of free software.
If you can and are willing to read the source code, you're not much of a usual user anymore. Maybe some of it is badly commented or indented, I have no idea. But at least you have access to it. About the documentation: if it's not enough, you have the Ubuntu forums (on which Trisquel is based) and the Arch wiki which is well done (though not exactly the same commands).
The Ubuntu docs should be good as well.
What doc have you a problem with? Maybe we can help.

>>> I here for the first time and can't find text styling options ^ _^
They're very limited. That's one of the things that should be improved IMO.
For now, you can get some text between tags.
"" (without the ") is an opening tag with the strong (bold text) function.
To close it, Put a forward slash before the word, like ".
You can do the same with cite (italic or oblique, not sure),
code (that yellow area you see), and different sizes of titles from h1 (biggest) to h6 (smallest).

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