Welcome to the Trisquel forums!

I received my Libreboot x200 a week ago. I can confirm there were some stains on my palm rest and bottom cover as well but they mainly were due to the removal of the WIndows Licence plates or similar. Nothing I worried too much about and I managed to clean them up quite well.

My keyboard was fine. It smelled like a used keyboard but nothing bad, really. Regarding the keyboard layout: are you sure Francis provides any other layouts than UK? Because I didn't read so on the minifree pages. I would like to have a german layout for myself, yet I can deal with the UK layout, especially if one think about typing commands in GNU/Linux. Most of the times many symbols are easier to type on english layout. Yet I can understand your point.

I also wrote Francis 2 mails in the past 2 weeks and he answered, that he was kind of busy this month with lots of orders and shipping dues.

Did you try to ask in the IRC #libreboot chat? Because my questions were answered most of the times :)

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