onpon4 > Neither of those are proprietary. Mono is a libre implementation of .NET, and Gecko is a Web browser engine, the one used by Firefox.

Ok, fine. Thank you. This is what I was afraid of.

onpon4 >I'm not familiar with PlayOnLinux (I always found it to be confusing, so I never used it), but are you sure those are actually Windows Internet Explorer and Windows Media Player? I know, for example, that Wine includes "Wine Internet Explorer", a basic libre Web browser for Windows; it's given the same executable name as Windows Internet Explorer, for compatibility with programs that expect Internet Explorer to be there, I believe.

I've found after PlayOnLinux's installation and the .exe of ISSE

Home/PlayOnLinux's virtual drive/ISSE/drive_c/Program Files :

Program Files/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe
Program Files/Windows Media Player/wmplayer.exe
Program Files/WindowsNT/Accessories/wordpad.exe

I didn't enjoy myself to "play them on GNU/Linux" !

I took the .deb pakage on Play On Linux official website.

This software and its files will be uninstalled as soon as I can.

lembas> What did the error message say, exactly?!

Magic Banana and Mangy Dog helped me a lot to understand on Trisquel Utilisateurs.

This software is the worst one I had to install since I'm on Linux !
And I'm afraid this is not working very well.

I want to have a try because it's useful for some of Trisquel user that create and edit sounds.

I've got to do :

git submodule init
git submodule refresh

but I don't know when I have to do it in the recommended steps of eigen and juce installation.

git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/isse/code isse-code
cd isse-code
git submodule init sdks/juce
git submodule init sdks/eigen
git submodule update

I think I will spend again a lot of time to try to install it. This is the only information I miss.

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