What is revealing here is that your laptop works with Trisquel when using the Live CD! In thinking methodically about what the difference is, I see it as follows:

1.) It is the difference in media, which you are examining now. I agree that it is probably not the answer.

2.) The content of the install compared to what is on the Live CD.

In this second case, it may be that the install does not have the modules or drivers that are on the Live CD. In other words, the install is not installing those modules/drivers even though they are available on the Live CD.

One solution in this case is probably to load the relevant modules/drivers manually. To do that, you need to know what they are or have a method of finding out what they are.

My previous post with the link about initramfs may be your best bet since the symptoms that person was experiencing were similar to yours.

At this point I believe my experience has run out and I defer to the many people here that are more qualified than I am to address this!

The various recommendations I've made regarding testing have hopefully given you more information to present to those people.

Good luck, and if I think of anything else I will let you know.

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