Security starts with free software: if the software is not free, the user is helpless against the (real) owner of the software. Users of proprietary software are *often* abused. It is not a theoretical risk:

I start with that point because you actually list two proprietary add-ons to the Web browser: Ghostery and ZenMate. I use many free add-ons (they must certainly overlap and some probably are totally useless given the others) to not be tracked when I use Abrowser (Trisquel's default browser, based on Firefox): Clean Links, Decentraleyes, HTTPS-Everywhere, Privacy Badger, Random Agent Spoofer, RedirectCleaner, Self-Destructing Cookies, ShareMeNot, Smart Referer, and uBlock Origin.

But the best solution to anonymously (although more slowly) browse the Web is the Tor browser, like root_vegetable wrote. However, he did not give you the best link. Here it is:

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