I'm continuing the post #22 by HKR

I've corrected some commands

dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M count=665 of=my-container.iso
On this command, you will notice the use of .iso rather than .img used in this tutorial http://elephly.net/posts/2013-10-01-dm-crypt.html
Using a .iso file is better for Brasero, because it is a recognized format.

sudo cryptsetup luksFormat my-container.iso

sudo cryptsetup luksOpen ~/my-container.iso secret-device

sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/mapper/secret-device

mkdir ~/my-mount-point
sudo mount /dev/mapper/secret-device ~/my-mount-point

sudo umount ~/my-mount-point
sudo cryptsetup luksClose secret-device

sudo cryptsetup luksOpen ~/my-container.iso secret-device
sudo mount /dev/mapper/secret-device ~/my-mount-point

sudo chown [your name session] my-mount-point

After a my-container.iso burning, the things I feared in post #19 happened.

When you insert the encrypted cd-r and you try to open it in Nautilus, the usual window you can find with your external HD or USB key works very well.

But after have entering your password there is this warning :

Impossible to access to « 695 MB Volume»

Error mounting /dev/dm-3 at /media/[your session]/d2848ff6-7b28-44d0-91f3-8a454c84fb23: Command-line `mount -t "ext4" -o "uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid" "/dev/dm-3" "/media/[your session]/d2848ff6-7b28-44d0-91f3-8a454c84fb23"' exited with non-zero exit status 32: mount: block device /dev/mapper/luks-e8d99aff-7c20-445b-9b1a-88d350197868 is write-protected, mounting read-only mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/mapper/luks-e8d99aff-7c20-445b-9b1a-88d350197868,
       missing codepage or helper program, or other error
       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
       dmesg | tail  or so

There is the problem of the mounting point named "my-mount-point" and you can't acces to your files. It is also impossible to eject the CD-R without restart the machine.

Does anyone understand what really says this warning ?

Thank you.

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