this is so sad, especially to someone who doesn't understand all this stuff, to have to sift through a bunch of info to try to determine WHO'S telling the truth! Knowing RMS has commented on the situation, it seems I should consider his words, which I will read again.

I don't know if there's a way to truly know if this thing is Libre or not, without testing it myself, which is something I don't know how to do if I had one. I'd hate to get one to find out it isn't, then have to get help fixing it, or sending it to someone who can free it for me.

Whatever FUD means, I just know it's bad, as in, BS, but I assume the first letter represents a certain four letter word. Until I'm sure I understand what's going on, I keep quiet.

I'd hate to see the free software community become split because of what's being said here. Rather than getting caught up in it, I'd rather walk away and wait till the situation is settled.

Whatever's going on, it's extremely unsettling. I was shocked to see Strypey's response to me, but I also appreciate it. Hopefully the facts will become obvious to me soon.

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