But.. They are still un the top of contributions on github.

And.. Is not that I am saying they are the good guys..
But if I remember correctly Snowdon also said PRISM was using law and a secret court to force companies to gave the data. Even if this was against their will.

Now you might think, "yeah they didn't opposed, they probably helped those traitors".

But let's be honest. If the NSA is treating you in a secret court and not collaborating can put you in jail for more than one federal crime, or any other way the NSA can bully you.

What would you do? The NSA had the law and courts on their side...

Again I am not saying Microsoft is the best company ever. But they deserve a fair judgement, they have done wrong but they were also forced to do even more wrong.

We should not waste our time dealing with a company.

Instead, we should worry about having a law system that would make such practices as proprietary software and surveillance, impossible.

That is more of a problem than Microsoft.

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