Thank you Leah!

Last question, if I may (hard to find the info):
Assuming I dedicated a volume group for each physical drive (with the same passphrase. the goal is to have a drive I can leave untouched in case of a reinstall),
does that mean I have to unlock them one after the other?
Well, that would be assuming that GRUB works...


About GRUB for this board:
For GRUB (chainloaded from SeaBIOS because maybe some display issue IIRC), I used a liveCD, so the USB support wasn't too much of an issue (well it was, but I ended up figuring this out with help from others).

I have some font recognition issue, otherwise it seems to work fine. Just for the sake of being thorough, I'll try to compile GRUB again with those extra modules for encryption, and insmod them all before cryptomount.

But else, I'll do as you suggest. Thanks again Leah.

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