Service sustainability is a major sticking point. I don't want to use GMail, despite it being a convenient and reliable service from a naive user POV, for the same reason I don't want to use FarceBook or Skype (contributing to their network effect). But I also don't want to be constantly having to up sticks and move from one fringe service to another, with all the loss of data/ contacts, and other disruptions this involves.

I set up an OpenMailBox account to separate out my personal (friends and family) email from correspondence related to activist work (for which I use RiseUp). I'm not opposed to paying a fair price for a hosted service - being the customer may be the only viable alternative to being the product - but I think there are some things it is unethical to charge for, and the ability to export user data is one of them (eg POP3/ IMAP access to email). Even if OMB hadn't made this unethical pricing decision, the fact their user forum went offline for months with no communication from OMB about why, or about their plans to switch to new software and pricing model, and the way their new software broke many of the ways I was using their service, leave me far from convinced they are a reliable long term host. So, I'm now on the hunt for a replacement too. I thank those who have posted recommendations and reviews here, and will do the same for the services I'm aware of.

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