I'm trying to figure out how to run 'deblob-check'. In 'deblob-check' it says

# usage: deblob-check [-S] [-v] [-v] [-s S] [--reverse-patch] \
#        [--use-...|--gen-flex] [-lDdBbCcXxPpFftVh?H] \
#        *.tar* patch-* [-i prefix/] *.patch *.diff...

I've downloaded the NTC kernel via git clone https://github.com/NextThingCo/CHIP-linux.git and created a tarball via tar -cvzf CHIP-linux.tar CHIP-linux but when I run $ deblob-check CHIP-linux.tar I get deblob-check:command not found and when I run $(or #) ./deblob-check CHIP-linux.tar I get ./deblob-check: Permission denied whether or not I'm running as root, so I'm probably not using it properly. The only source I've found with sample usage of deblob is this


but it does not demonstrate usage of deblob-check.

I don't really know what I'm doing. Do you have any insight?

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