>I sincerely hope that people do not believe their statements about me

Well, I say I don't know neither one of you, for I never met you but I can judge from waht one writes and does on this forum. When I come here I want to share tips and learn about free software, and eventually joke. And this is all beautiful, but coming here and seeing this shit **AGAIN** makes me go ultra meh. My baseball bat is nervous :// It's just sad how people can not learn how to simply ignore (that includes me too sadly, sometimes). And as far as business goes I really don't think no discussion, no winning or losing over words is going to benefit the final quantity of greens in your pockets at the end of the year. I will repeat this: it does not matter which one of you presents better points or arms a better argumentation, you are just looking bad, both of you.
So yeah, you are losing you time **and** money IMHO.

That being said, Leah you especially should just keep doing your work, a work that we all have always appreciated a lot. Do your work and your business and ignore whatever shit someone writes on some website, right?

just my dos centavos :/

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