> But you can still have your email program filter out all @gmail addresses, send them to a special folder, and decide whether to reply by landline telephone, postage stamp, or passenger pigeon instead of email.

I don't know how you will filter GSuite email addresses with custom domain names but even if we suppose it is technically possible, the person on the other side of the wire will still expect an email reply, not a pigeon. Landline phones are also eavesdropped, regular mail can also be unsafe, your pigeon can be caught etc.

> why feed the mafia if you don't have to?

The right question is: how do you communicate with people who like to do it. Will you isolate yourself or will you give in? Or something else?

> If you have already explained why friends don't let friends use gmail and the person isn't listening, is that really someone you want in your life?

Are you suggesting that one should remove people from one's life because they use Gmail or Facebook? What if those people are your family? Do you want them out of your life because they don't conform to your *idea* about *serious* life?

And again: if you don't use Gmail but say - another service, non PRISM. There is no service provider which will guarantee you that their computers don't have Intel ME, that they run only libreboot, and that there is no proprietary firmware on any chip. Such computer simply doesn't exist. Nobody can give you that service.

So what will you do?

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