Hi, thanks for responding to my post.

The other Trisquel member sent some good links.

Just to add to the content of these, I see systemd as solving a problem I don't have.

I am just a regular guy, I am open minded with most things and I don't think anyone would consider my social or political views to be far from main stream,  it's not like I think we should over turn women's right to vote or something but my views on computer science are ultra conservative.

We keep talking about the Chinese Government hacking into various Government bodies/companies but we don't look at ourselves and ask why this is possible.

I am in Canada and our version of the IRS, Canada Revenue had a small data breach with the Heart Bleed bug. I started my business in 2006 and Canada Revenues website was still static content. Things still worked. It seems that everything has to be online these days and newer is always better than older.

The Canadian Government also screwed up our pay roll system for Government employees, I don't remember hearing anything that went wrong with the old one.

What's wrong with lilo ? Are the problems so terminal that they can't be fixed?

Why not stick to the unix principal of doing one thing and doing it well. systemd looks buggy and to be an unnecessary extension of the core job it is designed to replace.

BTW I am also a Gnome Shell refugee, I liked Linux more in the GTK 2 era. Trisquel did  a nice job with gnome back when the classic fallback still seemed to suck on Debian.


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