"The Human Being is a omnivorous animal after all."

Indeed, we are omnivorous, not carnivorous. We can survive entirely on a plant-based diet, and it causes less harm both to animals and to the environment to consume plants rather than animals. Defending eating meat because it is natural is fallacious for two reasons: (1) it is an appeal to nature. Many things that happen in nature (for example, cannibalism) we would consider barbaric. And we do a lot of things by choice that are unnatural, for instance computers. Humans are not "naturally" predisposed to using computers. (2) The animal agriculture system is hardly natural.


"I too feel bad for other animals but I like to think that even if i didn't eat that meat, the animal would have been killed anyways or worst, been killed and then the meat thrown away making it's death worthless."

You would like to think that, but that is wishful thinking at best. If the demand goes down, the number of animals killed will go down. By going vegan, you can decrease the demand for meat thus decreasing the number of animals killed.

"Anyways, if you prefer to still avoid meat it's fine, just don't forget to get all the vitamins and other stuff that usually comes from meat from other alternatives."

Yes, this is easy to do if you eat a varied diet with plenty of vegetables and fruits. You should supplement B12 of course, and D if you live in a place with less sunlight, but many non-vegans should think about supplementing these too. Anyway, this is why I believe that it is the logical choice for anyone with the ability to go vegan to do so.

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