I have a page about chat-related free code projects, open standards and common protocols here (Disintermedia wiki is having issues right now but should be back up soon):

One of the things I noticed in gathering this list is that there isn't just one application for realtime comms software. There are lots of different kinds of realtime communication that can happen online; one-to-one (chat), group-to-group (conference), one-to-crowd (livestream presentation), group-to-crowd (livestream panel discussion). Then there are other forms of group chat that are semi-asynchronous (IRC, Slack-a-likes). No one chat apps needs to do all of these things, but to have any chance of displacing Skyte, Hangups FarceBook Messenger, Zoomin, and Slick, we need user-friendly apps that between them cover all of these use cases.

Some of these use cases make more sense as client-side apps (one-to-one chat), ideally without a server. Although I've heard pure P2P chat networks like GNU Ring and Tox make it hard to transport an identity/ address between devices, and create engineering challenges for supporting mobile use cases. Others use cases make more sense as web apps, if you're having a group chat using a server, why not use a web client running on that server? One answer might that you are a business or a political organisation who want to own your private comms, but then you can run the servers hosting the chat back-end and the web client yourselves.

Mumble is one of the few free code chat apps I've managed to get working and get some use out of. Mainly because most of the complexity is outsourced to whoever is running the Murmur servers I connect to, and Mumble doesn't increase its complexity by an order of magnitude by trying to support video. But a lot of people really struggle with the IRC-like UX, and recommending Mumble to someone looking for a Skyte replacement really isn't good user support :{

As I've said in a number of threads on these forums when the topic of realtime comms comes up, I'm keen to form a team and meet regularly (one a month or fortnight) to test different free code chat apps together. We can get a clearer sense of which use cases each package is suited to, and give some quality feedback to the devs about our experiences. If anyone is keen, you can use the direct message system in these forums to send me an email, or look up my contact page on the Disintermedia wiki (when it's working again):

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