About https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/5644 :

The issue that was fixed the day the day after it was reported (https://github.com/systemd/systemd/commit/ab883125704b9310dcdfcf7451a27e85609da76c) and improved the day after thanks to Lennart Poeterring, who proposed a better fix (https://github.com/systemd/systemd/pull/5653#issuecomment-290346072); Lennart Poeterring is talking about UNIX, not GNU/Linux, and he is right about UNIX's behavior; yet, weeks after the issue was fixed, haters made his life miserable (don't they ave anything more productive to do?) writing that "for some people it's advisable to never miss a chance to stay silent. (...) Way to highlight how little consideration is being given to issues reported by systemd users. Bodes well for the whole project!.." (https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/5644#issuecomment-294384461) or "shocking to hear. no, and you REALLY should know that as many others do or AT LEAST test it before pretend such nonsense - frankly" (https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/5644#issuecomment-294414802).

You were already given this reply. https://trisquel.info/forum/fsf-adds-pureos-list-endorsed-gnulinux-distributions?page=1#comment-125187 for instance.

Please, do not resume derailing threads that have nothing to do with systemd. By the way, since the release of Trisquel 8 (which adopted systemd), I have seen no thread pertaining to problems with systemd. The same basically happened with all major GNU/Linux distributions, which adopted systemd years before Trisquel.

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