This article is a very thorough summary of the situation and in general a good link to give to anyone who wants to understand it:

However, it links prominently to this petition:

I won't sign that petition because it asks people not to join or support the FSF (US). Stallman has specifically asked people who support him to continue their membership and support of the FSF. If folks are launching petitions in support of Stallman, they ought to respect his requests on such matters.

Even if the bit asking people to stop giving money and support to FSF was changed to ask people not to give money to SF Conservancy, who enthusiastically joined in the witch hunt with a misleading blog post of their own, I would question the wisdom of this. Withdrawing from these organizations only hands over total, unchallenged control of them to the Witchfinders General. I think it's better strategy to make sure all software freedom and open source organizations have at least a few people involved who are willing to respectfully but firmly challenge the witchfinding mania, and the manipulative narcissists who whip it up so they can take control of organizations they did sod all to help build.

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