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Even if one assumes that there was one absolutely right way to heal or reach enlightenment. And that Dennis had worked this out perfectly, in a way that would work the same way for every human being. And that he expressed his ideas in the clearest, most easily understandable way.
And that the editors did the best possible job of presenting this material.

(All of which are highly doubtful assumptions in any subject or written document.)

You will always be left with the fact that every human being will always interpret and understand the material in a slightly different way. What's more, one cannot own the material without developing one's unique understanding of it, an understanding that either works for them or doesn't. No truly literal duplication of anything exists and if it did, it would be a mental straightjacket (IMHO).

Don't believe me? Look at how many thousands if not millions of interpretations there are of any religious scripture like the Bible or the Buddhist doctrines. Everything evolves. And, just like every Christian today picks and chooses bits of the Bible that support their personal ideas and rejects the rest, TROM will also have to evolve with some flexibility or wither.

So, it's worth preserving Dennis's original intent. But that may not be the best presentation to reach and help the most people. Many people, especially those who haven't studied Scientology (and fewer people do all the time) would find the TROM materials that currently exist to be gobbledygook. The person who can find a way to express them in a way that is clear and appealing to the average person will take this material a big step forward.

(And maybe the person who subjects them to rigorous double-blind testing to see how well they actually work for most people will perform the biggest service of all.)

On 2/3/2013 2:43 PM, David Pelly wrote:
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Thank you for the explanation.

But distinguishing whose words are whose in an editing, is basic literary integrity or editing integrity.

And just because Greg and Judith did not do it, does not mean it is the right thing to do.

Three wrongs do not make a right.

You should also include an explanation that TROM went through two previous edits prior to yours, and that you have no idea of whose words are whose, if you in deed don't.

One editing  by Greg  and another by  Judith.

 (But it just occurred to me to ask: are there not tapes  for the record?)

At least Judith, that I know of, became totally pissed off and disdainful of TROM and gave up.

That likely gives some indication as to the difficulty of her case and TROMs inability to help her with her case.

Similar to my situation.

It is possible that if she would of been helped by TROM, she might of acquired some extra free theta units and did more work and did the editing properly.

It is difficult to think of much when the biggest issue is the size and severity of one's case and the desperate need to deal with it. It is a simple matter of priority.

Like it has been said, when you are up to your ass in alligators it is hard to think that the main goal is to drain the swamp.

A person has to come up the tone scale and theta scale to think and function with full integrity.

  In this case it is literary integrity or editing integrity.

I suspect that Greg also became disdainful too.

I know a number of others who did  likewise.


On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 1:49 AM, Pete Mclaughlin <pete_mclaughlin_93...@yahoo.com <mailto:pete_mclaughlin_93...@yahoo.com>> wrote:

    The following message is relayed to you by trom@lists.newciv.org

    Hi David

    Whose words are whose? An excellent question.

    In 1979 Denis gave his notes to Greg Pickering to write TROM.
    Those notes do not exist to check how accurately Greg did the job.

    Many people complained that the book was hard to understand and
    needed an index.

    Greg quit as the distributor of TROM around 1990 so Dennis turned
    over Australian distribution to Judith Anderson.
    Judith responded to concerns about spelling and grammar errors in
    TROM by editing the text, adding her own interpretation of how to
    run TROM to the end of the Manual as an appendix and who knows
    what else as no editing notes were made and the original 1979 is
    gone or at least I have never seen a copy.

    The TROM manual at the Freezone site is the one I started with and
    is the Judith Anderson edition.

    So if anyone is serious about getting the original version and
    verifying that none of the tech has been lost you need to contact
    Greg and get Dennis' notes or at least a copy of Greg's original
    1979 version of the manual.

    Thanks for asking David, everyone should be aware of what version
    of TROM they are studying.

    On Feb 2, 2013, at 7:19 PM, David Pelly <david.pe...@gmail.com
    <mailto:david.pe...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    The following message is relayed to you by trom@lists.newciv.org
    The right thing to do is to do like Aarre said.

    There has to be  some sort of  a distinction in whose words are


    On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 9:40 PM, Aarre Peltomaa
    <peltomaa.aa...@gmail.com <mailto:peltomaa.aa...@gmail.com>> wrote:

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        trom@lists.newciv.org <mailto:trom@lists.newciv.org>

        On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 9:39 PM, Aarre Peltomaa
        <peltomaa.aa...@gmail.com <mailto:peltomaa.aa...@gmail.com>>

            Hi Pete,
            I still think that a short editing note won't be that
            much distraction, and is worth it.  Or you could change
            the font each time you put in an inclusion.  With a
            reality factor in the beginning explaining the font
            change,  that wouldn't be too distracting.
            What do the others think about this ?
            Aarre Peltomaa

            On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 12:42 PM, Pete Mclaughlin
            <mailto:pete_mclaughlin_93...@yahoo.com>> wrote:

                Hi Aarre and Roberto

                All you need to do to see the changes is open up the
                kindle version in one window and open up the old
                version in a second window and read them.

                Part of my purpose in doing the editing was to
                eliminate all the distractions that the bad grammar
                imposed on the reader. It would be counter productive
                to now add in the distractions of editing notes.


                On Jan 31, 2013, at 4:30 PM, Aarre Peltomaa
                <mailto:peltomaa.aa...@gmail.com>> wrote:

                > Hi Pete,
                > I finally got Kindle working and downloaded the
                manual and your additions to my desktop;  wonderful !
                    The fonts and bolded parts are easy to read,  and
                large enough type size.  It is arranged very nicely.
                  The only thing that I can ask at cursory glance is
                that any additions that you put in, such as the
                charts,  be marked as added by you,  and not in the
                original manual.  This way a person will know what
was written by Dennis, and what was written by you. This annotation should also apply to any additional
                sections,  chapters, explanations, etc., that you
                have added.  I think this is a very important point,
                 and I welcome input from other TROMers about this.
                > Thanks very much for this work,
                > Aarre Peltomaa

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