The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
First, thanks for the comm lines made available here.   Thanks Pete.
Also, funnily, thanks, David, thanks for generating some attention re
"help", and regarding the archives.   It got me to looking at both.  How is
your RI going for you?   I'm getting more at ease now with the idea of
creating something, and even started to get some realizations that "I can

Thanks, Brian, too for putting iin the comm line to help that fella with
his confusion on Level 5.   I have a good coach and I believe sometimes
people initially get along better with TROM with some dedicated two-way
comm.   Ultimately, though it is a 24/7 passion, "Flow 0" dropping away of
what we did to ourselves, rising up into higher and broader viewpoints from
which to view the whole matrix matter and see the thetan that (we created)
got himself all tied up in a knot.

I keep seeing this over and over again, after peeling away later on the
chain viewpoints:  First I'm in the viewpoint of this thetan (not me, a
created being) thinking it is me and then as I keep processing (looking)
applying the To-Know mantle, I see that thetan from an exterior viewpoint
and realize it is not me, and I become a calmness (because the problem at
the beginning and now was being nothing or being something).   By being
there as the calmness watching that thetan in his dire struggles I observe
that the thetan suddenly notices the calmness -- the calmness that was
always there.   The Thetan is pulling out of that endless matrix loop.
It is a marvel to see  :-))

I am doing Grade 2 (overts/withholds) in hope to get my TA within normal
range once and for all, and knowing the To Know Matrix structure enhances
the sessions, and I move very quickly once I can see the postulate
structure, and most often end up in the very frozen postulate area some
call basic-basic, but it is all within my present time field and being
carried around to this day, and I am seeing more and more that it is not
that "right" and "important" and more and more able to simply view it as an
incident(s) and timebreak it.   My Grade 2 auditor also knows TROM and
gives me this flexibility in session.

Grade two processes are a sub-division of the to-know matrix, subjectively
speaking and have moments of being in a viewpoint outside of the To-Know
matrix -- quite interesting.

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