The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org


Thanks for the info. I appreciate you getting back to me on this matter. I 
think I have enough data to continue with my program. Pretty amazing stuff. 

Sincerely, Richard 

----- Original Message -----

From: br...@equityboost.com 
To: trom@lists.newciv.org 
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2013 4:31:10 AM 
Subject: [TROM1] Overview of running L5 (for Richard) 

The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org 

Here's a section from the lecture: Loose Ends: 

It gives you the general overview of how level 5 is run. 

Note to Pete: Can you put Book 6 up on the tromhelp.com site? 

------- 02 Loose Ends, Bubbles Revisited 7 Jul 94.MP3 
------ http://tromhelp.com/Level_5C/02-Loose-Ends-Bubbles-Revisited7Jul00.mp3 

So your procedure, you start in at level 5A, you null 5A down as far as 
you go, as far as you can. It may go through to erasure, fine, 

If it does then you won’t have to do anything at level 5B or level 
5C, but … with the vast majority of people it will hang fire, it 
will null down and then stop. 

Well that’s the point you leave 5A there and go on to 5B. You say to 
yourself, “Right, I’ve got some junior goals packages which I 
consider independent of the “to know” goals package.”and you find 
them at level 5B on the basis of interest but you select them off 
the prepared list I’ve given you. 

I’ve given you a list of the most important of the junior goals 
packages at level 5B. You select off that list initially. Till 
you’ve exhausted that list. Till there’s nothing on that 
list which is of any further interest to you.  

Then when you, and every time you erase or collapse a junior goals 
package at level 5B you always go back and re-null the “to know” 
goals package at level 5A. You must mop up that extra charge. And 
backwards and forwards you go.  

When you can’t find anything on the prepared list I’ve given you, 
and there’s still some charge around you say to yourself, “Ok.” 
You can then start looking for junior goals packages of your own if 
you want to.  

I’ve given you how you can find them and how you can find if 
they’re erasable or not. But finally you’re going to get to a 
point on level 5B where you can’t find any more junior 
goals packages of any significance. It’s all gone very, very quiet 
but the “to know” goals package still won’t erase, won’t go to erasure.  

Right, that means that you’re now finished with 5B temporarily. 
You’ve got to go onto 5C now.  

So you go onto 5C and on the basis of interest you find a junior 
universe. Now the first thing you do with a junior universe is run it. 
Make it the subject matter of the “to know” goals package at level 
5C. That’s the first thing you do.  

If it erases that’s fine, you’ve finished with that one. Then 
re-null the basic “to know” goals package at level 5A.  

Every time you erase a junior universe at level 5C you always re-null 
the “to know” goals package at level 5A. You must do this to mop 
up your charge; otherwise you’ll keep building up charge on the 
basic package, which will stop you in your tracks eventually. You got 
to keep that basic package nulled.  

But sooner or later at level 5C you’re going to come up against 
one… you try it at level 5C and it just grinds on. You make it the 
subject matter of the “to know” goals package and you can’t 
erase it. And so, right , what do you do then? 

Well you say to yourself, “It must contain… this junior universe 
must consist of some purposes which belong in an un-erased or 
un-collapsed junior goals package at level 5B and it’s up to you to 
find out where it is. 

So you sit down and list out the purposes and functions of this junior 
universe that is hanging fire. Just list them off. Just write them 
down on a bit of paper if you want to.  

Then you pick the most important, this is the test, the most important 
of these functions or purposes and use that. You say, “Right, well 
there you’ve got this purpose, now you’ve got to find the goals 
package.” You’ve got to find the goals package at level 5B and 
formulate that purpose into a goals package at level 5B. Or if you do 
so and it’s un-erasable then you’ve got to find an erasable one. 
Here, I’ve given you that technology that’ll do that so I won’t 
repeat that again. Your going to find an erasable goals package at 
level 5B that’s hanging fire that contains the purpose of the 
hanging fire junior universe at level 5C, you see that. Then having 
found it you erase or collapse that junior goals package at level 5B.  

And as soon as you erase or collapse that junior goals package at level 
5B you immediately go back to level 5A and re-null the basic package.  

Then go back to 5C and have another look at your junior universe. You 
now test that junior universe once more back in the basic package; it 
may go through to erasure now. If it doesn’t, then ok, go back to 
your list of its functions, purposes.  

Find another purpose, then find another junior goals package at level 
5B and do the same procedure again. 

Erase that or collapse that then go back and re-null the “to know” 
goals package at level 5A Then back to you’re your junior universe 
at level 5C and retest it within the “to know” goals package.  

All the time \your nibbling at it you see, every time your nibbling at 
it your breaking it down, breaking it’s purposes down, erasing 
it’s purposes, eventually there’ll be nothing left. It will just 
fall apart. Be nothing there. Now that’s the way you do it. Level 5C. 

So the key datum here, bear in mind at all times that every time you 
erase or collapse a junior goals package at 5B or every time you erase 
a junior universe at level 5C you must, repeat must go back to level 
5A and re-null the basic package. That is vitally important.  

Otherwise you’ll be just leaving yourself with charge on that basic 
package and your therapy will grind to a shuddering halt, it will. Got 
to keep that basic package at level 5A nulled down.  

Then one day you’ll go back to the basic package and re-null it down 
and it will go straight through to erasure and all of them have gone 
now. All of the junior universes have gone and all your junior goals 
packages have gone and your basic package is gone. The whole 
lots gone, and nothing, none of them will show on an E-meter, it’s 
all gone, the whole lots gone. You won’t be able to find any goals 
packages or any junior universes that will move an Emeter in the 
slightest. You’ve done it. You’ve got that. Ok, you have now 
completed level 5. 

------------------------ end of section --------------------- 

You can also get the Kindle reader for your PC (Win or Mac) for free 
from Amazon. You don't have to own a Kindle. 

 From your description of what you have done so far it sounds like you 
should keep running 5A (the basic "To Know" package) Keep running 5A 
until nothing is happening with any of the levels (1a - 8b) and you are 
completely bored. Then Start in on the 5B junior goals packages, you'll 
find them in the TROM Game's Manual on tromhelp.com. 

Hope that helps Richard. 

If you have more questions, do ask!  


> HI Pete,  
> That sounds terrific but I don't have or care for a kindle. Where can 
> I get a hard copy of the book?  
> Richard  

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