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Hi Leoncio

Thanks for the book report. I just downloaded "busting loose from the money 
game" to my kindle so I can start reading it.


On Sep 28, 2013, at 9:30 AM, Leôncio Madruga <lsmadr...@selecom.com.br> wrote:

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> Hi trommer fellows
> I just read the book “Busting Loose from the Money Game”. Startling!
> The author is Robert Scheinfeld, who made a radical change (for better) in 
> his life using his technology.
> His message can be over-synthetized as follows:
> 1)      We all are spiritual beings (with infinite power) who chose to have 
> fun playing games in this life.
> 2)      All the reality is a creation of us, as spiritual beings, just to 
> play games.
> 3)      To have fun it is fundamental to limit or restrict ourselves in the 
> games.
> 4)      All the games we play were designed in a way that we cannot win, but 
> keep playing inside the trap.
> 5)      The uncomfortable events we have are full of negative energy, which 
> causes us stress, fear and trauma.
> 6)      The negative energy of each uncomfortable event can be fully 
> discharged using a specific technique.
> 7)      This technique demands us to fully observe the event to fully 
> understand it before dissipating his energy. It can be done in real time or 
> remembering the event.
> 8)      Each time we dissipate the energy of an event, our life enhances a 
> little more.
> 9)      After dissipating high doses of the negative energy of our events, 
> our life will be much better and more limitless.
> 10)   In this state of fewer restrictions the spirit remains playing in this 
> life, but with much more pleasure.
> 11)   If we dissipate all negative energy, we will live only with positive 
> energy and comfortable events.
> Interesting huh?
> The author doesn’t say this (but could) if we dissipate all energy (negative 
> and positive) we will remember that we are powerful spiritual beings, we will 
> win all the games, and our life in Earth will lose its fun.
> In his history the author does not mention TROM or Dennis, but could.
> The complete explanation of the model you can grab from the book and worth it 
> by the metaphors, scientific explanations, techniques and the model itself.
> Happy tromming
> Leoncio
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