The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org

From: Ant Phillips <ant.phill...@post8.tele.dk>

Subject:             Replay B7
       Date:             Fri, 06 Feb 1998 09:49:27 +0100
      From:             Antony Phillips <i...@post8.tele.dk>
Organization:             International Viewpoints
         To:             tro...@newciv.org

(addresses may be out of date - its a replay)

 Msg : 56 of 289                         Rcv Pvt K/s Scn
 From : Lenny or Jevan Gray <lenng...@netcom.com>         Mon 19 Dec 94
 To : tro...@netcom.com                                 Mon 19 Dec 94
 Subj : Re: Killer TROM
On Sun, 18 Dec 1994, Flemming Funch wrote:

>  ...
> His attitude translates directly into heart attacks, that is no surprise at
> all.
> I don't particularly think he did TROM too fast. I think he mistakenly
> thought it was everything and that he had handled everything. It isn't and
> he obviously hadn't.
> TROM is still a good tool. It doesn't produce Nirvana and it didn't stop
> its creator from dying of his weak heart.

This brings me to a subject I've lightly touched on before -- specifically
the idea of "exercize" as a _process_. This is one of the things that _I_
include in the above mentioned concept of "handling everything". Does
everybody in clearing except me think that the body is some useless lump,
whose outright _needs_ should _not_ be respected?

When the MD's pronounce that walking/cardiovascular-exercize is good for
our hearts, isn't it a giant, polarity response, invalidative "not-is" to
take the "the body's just lowly MEST" position?

Exercising the body is part of 6D, and gives a certain "pleasure" when
done in good ways, and gives the "pleasure" of having a body that works.

How many of you out there really think it's "good that he's dead" and that
"a weak heart" is a valid "excuse" for "leaving his body", or rather, more
accurately, having his body "turn off" and cease its comm with _him_.

- Lenny -

--- GIGO+ sn 44 at winboss vsn 0.96w32

 Msg : 57 of 289                         Rcv Pvt K/s Scn
 From : Gregory Pickering <100035....@compuserve.com>     Sat 17 Dec 94
 To : Homer Smith <ho...@math.cornell.edu>              Sun 18 Dec 94
 Subj : Re: Dennis Stephens
To All,

It is my sad duty to inform you all of the passing of Dennis Stephens. Dennis
was admitted to hospital about 10 days ago after colapsing at his home. He
recovering but suddenly took a turn for the worse 2 days ago and left his

Dennis was a founding Scientologist and founder of the original HASI in
His wife, Anne Walker is also a long time Scientologist and was the personal
Secretary to LRH when he was in England up until 1955.

It was my honor to transcribe the research notes of Dennis and to distribute
these under the title "TROM" (an anagram for The Resolution Of Mind). This
research has been gratefully accepted and communicated within the last year
I am sure that took comfort in the knowledge that he leaves the world a better
place and contributed to the quality of theta.

Any commiserations may be sent to:

Anne Walker

2A Marine Street
Redland Bay; 4165

On a different note, my I wish you all the seasons greetings and a happy new

Best Regards

Greg Pickering

--- GIGO+ sn 44 at winboss vsn 0.96w32

 Msg : 60 of 289                         Rcv Pvt K/s Scn
 From : p...@crux2.cit.cornell.edu        236/174.10    Sun 26 Mar 95
 To : tro...@netcom.com                                 Tue 28 Mar 95
 Subj : Re: RI
Apparently-to: a...@jacome.ping.dk
From: p...@crux2.cit.cornell.edu
Subject: Re: RI

In reply to message <199503262231.oaa29...@netcom7.netcom.com> :
>I would like some input on what people actually do as RI on TROM, and how.
>I have my own ideas, but it seems to me that there is a lot of variance in
>what people do, as the materials are rather vague and ambigious on that.
>- Flemming

     When I do RI, I guess the best way that I could describe things is
that I visualize objects, usually with a kind of feeling that there is a
sort of "puff" as they materialize. I have a few patterns that I use to
project them in so that they get projected uniformly around me. For instance,
sometimes I project objects on points around a sphere, or in cubic lattices,
so I might project something up,front,back,down,left,right and/or at the
corners of a cube.

  First time I tried to run RI nothing happened for a little while
then I tried to create things that were bigger and bigger, what really did
it was when I mentally "mapped out" the space that a whole, earth-size
planet would take in relationship to my body, and projected that -- all of
a sudden my sensorium got really bright and I felt pretty good. Early on
I had to project things that were inanimate and solid, but pretty soon I
started to recognize that I could project life forms (first plants) then
animals also I found it was also OK to project cartoon pictures of things
like cartoon stars, circles, triangles, etc. I usually project large
arrays of the same kind of object to make things easier, sometimes I make
big showers of cartoon stars and let them fall all around me.

  It took me a while to figure out how to run "have another create
something", first I tried picturing a cartoon character and having the
cartoon character make something, that didn't work too well. Then I
realized that the being could be another real person so I just "had another
person" do it -- sometimes I think of sending out my own blue comm line
and having a red one come in and make the object, sometimes I just picture
the object coming in from another source.

  Sometimes I find that it is hard to make objects in particular
spatial regions so I project a lot of things around the edges of that
region until it is not a problem. It generally is worse having somebody
else create things, created objects lump up in some places, there aren't
any in other places. I haven't really found a good answer for that.

--- GIGO+ sn 299 at jacome vsn 0.99.950303

 Msg : 63 of 289                         Rcv Pvt K/s Scn
 From : "Dustin W. Carr"                  236/174.10    Tue 28 Mar 95
 To : trom-l <tro...@netcom.com>                        Wed 29 Mar 95
 Subj : Re: RI
Apparently-to: a...@jacome.ping.dk
From: "Dustin W. Carr" <dc...@newton.ruph.cornell.edu>
Subject: Re: RI


For me, RI has evolved throughout my use of TROM. In the beginning I
would depend heavily on visualizing my creations. I generally created
physical objects. For a long time I found it quite pleasant to create
celestial objects. I would often sit and create galaxies of many
different shapes and sizes. Initially, I would put a lot of effort into
creating objects.
I never really had a problem with 'have another bring something into
existence'. I basically just interpreted this as bringing something into
existence and ascribing a sort of 'otherness' to it. I never concerned
myself with knowing who or what was actually bringing it into existence,
just as long as it was not me. This worked very well for me, and it was
usually this part of RI that produced the most change (and still is).

These days RI is considerably different. I have actually been working on
creating a better world for myself, in the present and future. I use
a lot of abilities that have been gained from doing level 5 for this, and
I have gotten very nice results. I put very little effort into creating
things, and I seldom worry about visualizing my creations. Actually,
many of my creations are experiences or beingnesses that can not be fully
understood just from visualization. Also, my 'have another...' creations
are much more far ranging and all-encompassing, such that I usually
ascribe a sort of godliness to this 'otherness'.



On Sun, 26 Mar 1995, Flemming Funch wrote:

> I would like some input on what people actually do as RI on TROM, and how.
> I have my own ideas, but it seems to me that there is a lot of variance in
> what people do, as the materials are rather vague and ambigious on that.
> - Flemming
>     o                                                         o
>    / \------------------ Flemming A. Funch ------------------/ \
>   / * \ World Transformation/New Civilization/Whole Systems / * \
>  / * * \                 ffu...@netcom.com                 / * * \
> o-------o ------ http://www.protree.com/worldtrans/--------o-------o
     Ant                              Antony A Phillips
                                       tlf: (+45) 45 88 88 69
                                        Box 78
                                        DK - 2800 Lyngby
Editor, International Viewpoints (= IVy). See Home Page:
Administrator: trom-l, selfclearing-l, superscio-l, IVy lists


Antony Phillips.
Danish interview http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmXZ4X_uYRo
English interview Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdgqweh-4WI
English interview Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8sGp6AwuK4
English biography http://scientolipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Antony_Phillips
(+45) 45 88 88 69
Admin to SelfClearing2004, SuperScio, Cosmic History   mailing lists
Jernbanevej 3f 4th
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