The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org

Sent Saturday 12th of December 2015
by ant.phill...@post8.tele.dk (Antony Phillips)
Note that we are still sending at this time messages which I received by FidoNet, the amateur run and free to the user email network, Internet at that time being far too expensive in Denmark for humble people like me. You can see that my address was "Apparently-to: a...@jacome.ping.dk" , which was not an Internet address.I used to have to telephone to jacome.ping to give and receive email, paying only a local telephone call cost.
Note that this is a resend of a message sent some years ago, and some data (like addresses) is liable to be inaccurate.
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             TROM: Replay B20
             Fri, 01 May 1998 13:34:27 +0200
             Antony Phillips <i...@post8.tele.dk>
             International Viewpoints

Short this time. We had quite a bit of traffic in the beginning of the
week (I got 13). My purpose in sending replays is merely that there
should be something relevant on the list. Far better with present time
discoveries, comments, questions.


Ant (trom-l admin).

 Msg : 188 of 289                         Rcv Pvt K/s Scn
 From : Tron Enger                         236/174.10     Fri 21 Jul 95
 To  : Bill Maier <ci...@ix.netcom.com>                   Fri 21 Jul 95
 Subj : Re: Level 1
Apparently-to: a...@jacome.ping.dk
From: Tron Enger <tr...@oslonett.no>
Subject: Re: Level 1

At 16:05 20.07.95 -0700, Bill Maier wrote:
>You wrote:
>>At 18:06 19.07.95 -0700, Bill Maier wrote:
>>>One other thought occurred to me.  Did you ever get any change
>>>from the RI process?  In other words, did you pass the test
>>>Stephens set for beginning level 2?
>>I would like to comment on that too!
>>When I ran RI, I got VERY much change. That process was in fact
>>for me. I have had a lot of solo auditing with Balancing or Personal
>>Integrity, but had a huge lack of RI. I could run RI only for four or
>>commands when I had my EP. I ran RI daily for abt one month. Had very
>>BTW, I would like to thank you both for communicating.
>>It has made me concider to take up TROM again....
>>Tron Enger
>> http://www.oslonett.no/home/trone/
>The first time I ran RI (as part of the Level 1 test) I ended up
>running it for several hours before it flattened out.  I had
>excellent gain during that time.

When I look back, I didn't run it until it flattened out.
I ran it to EP. Should be good enough...:-)

>If you decide to take up TROM again, let us know how it goes.

I will.

Strange, I thought my reply to you was going to go through trom-l?
Apparently it didn't?
This one will for sure....




--- GIGO+ sn 299 at jacome vsn 0.99.950303

 Msg : 191 of 289                         Rcv Pvt K/s Scn
 From : Bill Maier                         236/174.10     Mon 31 Jul 95
 To  : tro...@netcom.com                                  Fri 04 Aug 95
 Subj : Timebreaking BT pictures
Apparently-to: a...@jacome.ping.dk
From: ci...@ix.netcom.com (Bill Maier )
Subject: Timebreaking BT pictures

I had an interesting experience while running Level 4 this
evening. I was running "forcing to be known", and Timebreaking
quite a few different pictures that came up when I put out that
thought. At one point a picture came up, very clearly, of a
man on a stage. I went through the Timebreak process on it,
but it didn't really change much. Normally the picture tends
to change as charge is blown off, and as I Timebreak further
the postulates holding the picture in place appear. With this
picture, however, nothing much happened. After working with it
for some time I did not see any change occurring so I just
moved on.

Later in the session the same picture appeared again in
response to the "forcing to be known" postulate. As I looked
at it I realized that this picture was not mine, but was being
put there by a BT. No wonder it wouldn't Timebreak! Once I
recognized this I was able to move on and complete the session
on other pictures.

Has anyone out there had similar experiences? It appears to me
that BT pictures will not resolve with TROM. The handling of
entities seems better suited for NOTs or Excalibur or perhaps
an OT III Incident 2 approach.


--- GIGO+ sn 299 at jacome vsn 0.99.950303

      Ant                               Antony A Phillips
                                        tlf: (+45) 45 88 88 69
                                         Box 78
                                         DK - 2800 Lyngby
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