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Re. 1.
Yes, the inserts you made were clearly recognizable for me. Thanks.

Re. 2.
I guess if you ever decide to write a book (or books) they sure would
be worth reading. You certainly have a lot of interesting - sometimes
controversial - thoughts to offer.

Edwin Markham's poem - as I understand it - says in artful form what
I've read elsewhere and which is essentially: The outside world
(the one we perceive and call the physical universe) is a kind of projection
or manifestation in terms of solid symbols of our inner (spiritual) world
of thoughts and believes. Since we have reason to think that the inner
world has seniority we can assume that repairing or healing the mind
will consequently resolve the troubles and ailments of the outside
world and the livingness we are engaged in.

He says "make the man". I'm inclined to interpret that in the direction of
"repair man" or "heal man" (spiritually) and not in the direction of creating
or recreating him from scratch. Under the assumption that man is basically
good the latter would not be necessary. And when you correctly assume that
the child is basically good then I assume that to a more or less extent that
goodness still is present in any adult.

Actually you say the same as Markham - in your words - where you expanded on
Markham's poem.

For the records I want to mention: We have not yet said anything about
multiple lifetimes and their influence on us. What parents do to their
children may be comparably insignificant. And as well we have not considered the between life area in which we may have made certain agreements to scripts
we are inclined to live out in the now. I'm not saying that those scripts
are not subject to change by the free will of the individual. That is still
a possibility. At least the above can provide answers to the question why
similar occurrences, incidents, ... have so different effects on different

What you say about the bad influence of TV and what it did/does to society
at large I see quite similar. I would even go so far that it not only ruins
children but can harm a grown up man's sanity. I was not aware of that
before I did throw out all TV and other broadcast scrap out of my house.
(with newspapers I've done the same already a long time before with great
The reason I did that was because I've got so terribly bored and frustrated
with all that canned entertainment which was just stealing me time. Time I
can use much better otherwise with being creative myself.

But it was not after too long when I realized a remarkable change in my psyche
taking place. The permanent inflow of pictures, useless "information"
(infotainment they use to call it), negativity, unreality, advertisement, ...
had a tendency to clutter my mind and hamper my ability to think clearly.
I always thought I'm immune against that - I'm not (yet).

Technically speaking, the balance of in- and out-flow was severely disturbed. A principle on which hypnosis is based. Of course the media people and those
who pay them are perfectly aware of the mechanisms involved and use them to
exert control over people. I do not blame them for doing so; from their viewpoint it's the sensible thing to do. It's amusing to see how clumsily the "powers"
actually play their little games.

There is much more to say about how those things in general impede a beings
ability to mock-up, to create, cause blackness, forgettingness, the illusion of having erased every facsimile, and many other phenomenons which I'm probably not even aware of. Some of this can be remedied by objective processes, creative
processing, black and white as described in 8-8008 and others.

My basic attitude toward the whole issue is: I regard it as my own responsibility to fetch back full control over the flows which concern me. I recognize the futility
of blaming something or someone else for whatsoever.

Thanks for pointing out the books.

( The download-link to the Oasphe book is:
http://oahspestandardedition.com/OAHSPE_Standard_Edition_for_Screen_Reading.pdf )



On Fri, 16 Sep 2016 20:19:18 +0200, <trom-requ...@lists.newciv.org> wrote:

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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Child <-> Adult - (Re: TROM Digest, Vol 143, Issue 23)
      (The Resolution of Mind list)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2016 09:15:12 -0400
From: The Resolution of Mind  list <trom@lists.newciv.org>
To: The Resolution of Mind list <trom@lists.newciv.org>
Subject: Re: [TROM1] Child <-> Adult - (Re: TROM Digest, Vol 143,
        Issue 23)
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1. Were my inserts underlined when you received my post?

Because I did underline them and they are not underlined when returned to

It looks like they get lost in transit.

2. Yes, I have more to say on your point, than I can explain in an email,
and more than I have time for.

It would take a book to explain in full detail.

But poet and philosopher Edwin Markham said it very succinctly in his words:

In vain we build a world, if at first we don't build the man.

Also Edwin Markhams'  poem:

by Edwin Markham <http://poetrynook.com/poet/edwin-markham>

We are all blind until we see
?That in the human plan
Nothing is worth the making if
?It does not make the man.

Why build these cities glorious
?If man unbuilded goes?
In vain we build the work, unless
?The builder also grows.

We are all blind until we see
That in the human plan
Nothing is worth the making if
It does not make the man.

Why build these cities glorious
If man unbuilded goes?
In vain we build the work, unless
The builder also grows.

I expand on that:

In vain we build a world, if at first we don't build the individual with a
noble character (ethics and morals).

In vain we build a world if people don't learn the difference between a
belief and a fact.

In vain we build a world if we don't find the cause and cure for the
problems of the mind.

People fail in any endeavor for only one reason and that is for the lack of
the right knowledge to solve the problem at hand.

If you have the right knowledge, you can solve any problem.

Therefore gain the right knowledge, wisdom and understanding, and they
shall be as a crown of glory for you by day and a guiding light by night.

I remember when I was a child and experiencing all this insanity and abuse.

I was less than 5 yrs old.

I remember thinking to myself; there is something wrong here.

This does not make sense.

That is what I mean by

It has native intelligence:   The ability to evaluate data and solve
problems for the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics..

It is good.

It knows the difference between right and wrong.

It is curious.

It is ambitious.

It has a very strong affinity for love and emotional nourishment.

It is part of a dual "being". Male-female.

An individual is not complete unless it has a relationship with the
opposite sex.

It is aware of it's spirituality.

Because a new being has these traits is the reason he has psychotic bread

The overwhelm of the force to be made wrong, being forced to accept false
and limiting data, being forced to agree to false and limiting data,

being told that right is wrong and wrong is right, will cause the neurons in the brain to short circuit and cross purpose (get the wires crossed).

And that is how you get a crippled mind  and a mental cripple.

Another way to fuck up children is the modern way of bringing up children,
that is bring them up in front of the TV,  or let the TV be their baby

Children who spend their time in front of the TV grow up, having shit for

Especially if uncontrolled.

This can be modified somewhat by diligent and intelligent parental control.

We now have three or four generations of children  who have increasingly
been brought up in front of the TV.

Each generation is worse (has more shit for brains and more mental
disorders) than the previous one.

A good book to read to get some outside insight in to this subject is the
Oahspe book, available on line in pdf.

The Oahspe  book is a great book to complete your cycle of learning, as
Hubbard strongly recommended.

It is one of the best books of knowledge on almost all things on earth.

It is one of those books which after you read it, you will never be the
same, you will never see the world the same again.

Actually it is a must read.

Here is another book with some very good important knowledge:


Read especially: How children are born either bright  or stupid.


On Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 1:18 AM, The Resolution of Mind list <
trom@lists.newciv.org> wrote:

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Hi David,

thank you for that balanced and insightful comment - I agree.
Your supplements to the quote I think are very valid.

I was reminded of a little joke I once heard:

Someone watching a group of children - engaged in cheerful play -
smilingly ponders: "Look at all those wonderful little children,
they're so bright and full of beauty!"
After a short while, his face turning stern, he says: "I wonder
where all those stupid and ugly grown ups are coming from?"

A citation I once came across is this here:

The adult is the last state of decline (or dilapidation) of the child.

Hubbard said that any organization is at its highest level of ethic
(highest survival potential) at the moment when it is founded.
Then it declines. (A sad irony, the man knew it, but could not manage
to reinvent the church in time.)

An organism like Homo sapiens can be viewed as organization.

The question that remains is:
All adults - insane, stupid and mean as they may be - once have been
children as well. And what about us. We are not children any more I

What is your viewpoint in that regard?



On Thu, 15 Sep 2016 21:47:26 +0200, <trom-requ...@lists.newciv.org> wrote:

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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Reading DIANETICS Again - (Re: TROM Digest, Vol 143,
      Issue 21) (The Resolution of Mind list)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2016 08:59:41 -0400
From: The Resolution of Mind  list <trom@lists.newciv.org>
To: The Resolution of Mind list <trom@lists.newciv.org>
Subject: Re: [TROM1] Reading DIANETICS Again - (Re: TROM Digest, Vol
        143, Issue 21)
Message-ID: <mailman.7678.1473968846.1326.t...@lists.newciv.org>
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I have also read Dianetics 55 recently.

I have read all the scn books, and have read many more than twice.

But there is so much knowledge in them, that most people could read them a dozen times and still not understand everything, and still got more out
it by reading it again.

At the same time, not everything Hubbard wrote is correct.

The nature of such subjects is that it takes a lot of time and effort and
mental processing of data to  be able to clearly see right through the

A lot of re-evaluating has to be done.

Thinking men have been thinking about the problems of the mind and how to
resolve them since the dawn of consciousness.

And Hubbard said that his work is based on 50,000  yrs of thinking men.

Hubbard did phenomenal work and made more advancements in this field than
anyone else, so far.

It is impossible to do all  in one life time.

My point is that it will take more lifetimes of thinking men to perfect it

This excerpt that you post Robin,is good but I can see some shortcomings

One thing I have realized that a new being  comes with certain native

It has native intelligence:   The ability to evaluate data and solve
problems for the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics..

It is good.

It knows the difference between right and wrong.

It is curious.

It is ambitious.

It has a very strong affinity for love and emotional nourishment.

It is part of a dual "being". Male-female.

An individual is not complete unless it has a relationship with the
opposite sex.

It is aware of it's spirituality.

These traits and abilities are either enhanced or aberrated by parents or
guardians and other adults in it's environment.

Maybe more often aberrated than enhanced.

In the following quote, the first thing I would go further on is what I
inserted and underlined.

If I had time, I would rewrite most of it  to go deeper with some
and get more accurate.

Because it contains some inaccuracies and ambiguities and incompleteness.

The communication formula was derived from an observation of
and working with life. It could be derived only because one had entirely
abandoned the idea that energy could tell anyone anything. Life is not
energy. Energy is the by-product of Life.
[Where else have we heard that? I give a hint: Substitute Life with
Games and Energy with Mass. - Robin]
Your recluse is one who has become so thoroughly convinced that
there are no obtainable answers from anyone that he does no longer
believe that Life *(sanity and understanding)* itself exists. He is the
only living thing alive, in his
opinion. Why? Because he is the only thing which communicates. I dare
say every recluse, every ?only one,? every obsessively or compulsively
communicating individual has so thoroughly associated with ?life units?
which were so dead that it became ?very plain? that no one else was
alive *(sane)* . The attitude of a child towards the adult contains the
opinion that
adults have very little Life* (sanity)*  in them. A child, with his
enthusiasms, is in
his family everywhere surrounded by communication blocks
(*surrounded by insanity, and ignorance and stupidity)*  of greater
or lesser magnitude. His questions do not get answers. (he gets punished
and abused) The
communications which are addressed to him are not posed in a way
which can be duplicated
* (the communications are insane and computations are wrong, the child
instinctively knows that, that is why he rebels). *

*(A child will never do anything bad, or have a bad attitude, or throw a tantrum if the parent did not do something wrong to the child first. The child is rebelling, because the parent violated his knowingness or innate
better judgement. *

*There is no such thing as a bad child, there are only bad parents. All
our basic core problems are caused by failed parenting.*

In other words, the adult does not make
himself duplicatable. Freud and his confreres were entirely in error in
believing that the child is totally self-centered. It is not the child who
totally self-centered. He believes that he is in communication with the
total world. Investigation of children demonstrates that they are very
heavy on the First, Second, Third and Fourth Dynamics. The child is so
convinced of his ability to communicate that he will touch a hot stove.
Life has no terrors for him. He has not yet learned by experience that
he cannot communicate. It?s the adult who is drawn back into the ?only
one? and one believes that the inspiration of this continuous belief on
the part of a psychologist and psychoanalyst that the child is entirely
self-centered and living in his own world must be the expression of an
opinion held by the psychoanalyst and psychologist out of his own
bank. As one grows one goes less and less into communication with
the environment until he is at last entirely out of it. Only he is out of
in the wrong direction ? dead.
Where you see aberration, where you would wish to detect
aberration, you must look for violations in the communication formula.
People who consistently and continually violate portions of the
communication formula can be suspected of being just that dead. The
further one departs from the communication formula the more death
exists for them. The more concentrated they become on secrets, the
more they question intentions, the less they are likely to assume the
point of view called Cause or the point of view called Effect. ....
<end of quote>

On Thu, Sep 15, 2016 at 1:10 AM, The Resolution of Mind list <
trom@lists.newciv.org> wrote:

The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org

Indeed, a good idea to take a look at Dianetics once again.
I've done just that recently with "Dianetics 55!".

It contains very useful data for TROMers. E.g. the whole
chapter about "Communication Lag" which once and for all should
clean out any doubts about flattening a process.

Following I insert an excerpt from "DIANETICS 55!" on child-parent
relationships which might be of particular interest for you David.

.... The communication formula was derived from an observation of
and working with life. It could be derived only because one had entirely
abandoned the idea that energy could tell anyone anything. Life is not
energy. Energy is the by-product of Life.
[Where else have we heard that? I give a hint: Substitute Life with
Games and Energy with Mass. - Robin]
Your recluse is one who has become so thoroughly convinced that
there are no obtainable answers from anyone that he does no longer
believe that Life itself exists. He is the only living thing alive, in
opinion. Why? Because he is the only thing which communicates. I dare
say every recluse, every ?only one,? every obsessively or compulsively
communicating individual has so thoroughly associated with ?life units?
which were so dead that it became ?very plain? that no one else was
alive. The attitude of a child towards the adult contains the opinion
adults have very little Life in them. A child, with his enthusiasms, is
his family everywhere surrounded by communication blocks of greater
or lesser magnitude. His questions do not get answers. The
communications which are addressed to him are not posed in a way
which can be duplicated. In other words, the adult does not make
himself duplicatable. Freud and his confreres were entirely in error in
believing that the child is totally self-centered. It is not the child
totally self-centered. He believes that he is in communication with the
total world. Investigation of children demonstrates that they are very
heavy on the First, Second, Third and Fourth Dynamics. The child is so
convinced of his ability to communicate that he will touch a hot stove.
Life has no terrors for him. He has not yet learned by experience that
he cannot communicate. It?s the adult who is drawn back into the ?only
one? and one believes that the inspiration of this continuous belief on the part of a psychologist and psychoanalyst that the child is entirely
self-centered and living in his own world must be the expression of an
opinion held by the psychoanalyst and psychologist out of his own
bank. As one grows one goes less and less into communication with
the environment until he is at last entirely out of it. Only he is out of
in the wrong direction ? dead.
Where you see aberration, where you would wish to detect
aberration, you must look for violations in the communication formula.
People who consistently and continually violate portions of the
communication formula can be suspected of being just that dead. The
further one departs from the communication formula the more death
exists for them. The more concentrated they become on secrets, the
more they question intentions, the less they are likely to assume the
point of view called Cause or the point of view called Effect. ....
<end of quote>

For those who do not have a copy of "DIANETICS 55!" at hand and
are interested, you can download it as pdf her:




On Thu, 15 Sep 2016 05:25:47 +0200, <trom-requ...@lists.newciv.org>

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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Motivators (The Resolution of Mind list)
   2. Re: Motivators (The Resolution of Mind list)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2016 16:04:00 -0400
From: The Resolution of Mind  list <trom@lists.newciv.org>
To: The Resolution of Mind list <trom@lists.newciv.org>
Subject: Re: [TROM1] Motivators
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I was doing L4  "Prevented from being known"  this morning.  And only

I just happened to come across my dianetics book, after posting that.

And briefly  read about "shut up" etc. in engrams.

And my dad's additional: you don't do anything unless I tell you too.

It would be a very good idea for everyone to read dianetics again.


On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 3:51 PM, The Resolution of Mind list <
trom@lists.newciv.org> wrote:


The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org

Hi David
  First you are aware of the problem so you are close to a solution.

If the motivators do not come up at level 3 then you will surely find
at level 4 when you run "Prevented from being known"

When you get to level 5 you will run levels 7A and 7B
7A is Prevented from being known where you have lost the battle.
7B is Prevented from being known where you are still struggling against
the opponent who is preventing you from being known.

Pete McLaughlin

Sent from my iPad

On Sep 14, 2016, at 10:50 AM, The Resolution of Mind list <
trom@lists.newciv.org> wrote:

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One thing I realized is that I can't find motivators.

My dad beat the idea of fighting back (or developing motivators ) out
me very early.

He "nipped it in the bud", as some say.

I cannot stand up for myself. I cannot fight. I can't even argue for

That is  what is part of catatonia and cataplexy and catalepsy.

That is what Hubbard is talking about in Dianetics when he says the
Spartans would have no use for such an individual in their army. They would feed him to the wolves. That is in my words, because it too much
trouble to look up.

Do you have any suggestions on how to process that problem?



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