The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
From:  ant.phill...@post8.tele.dk

Dear TROMmers,

There was a comment recently suggesting the quality of postings in TROM list was higher earlier than it is now. In assessing that statement you want to take account of the fact that the replays are selected. One of the purposes of the /IVy/ replays (selections) was to select certain emails and send them out weekly to reduce the quantity some people received, and of course it was higher quality emails which were selected.

It is good that Robin brought to our attention some points about communicating to a group (especially a group like this where you cannot observe people's reactions). When I ran the /IVy/ list I developed a sort of policy on this. I wrote it up a rather great length and you can see it at: http://www.antology.info/articledetails.php?id_art=37 . (Perhaps you should scroll halfway down! And start there.)

All best wishes,


Antony A Phillips

TROM mailing list

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