The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
Hi Paul
 I read Tom Campbell's "My Big TOE" (theory of everything) and found it is 
about 800 pages of a theory that this universe can be described as a computer 
simulation. I.e. Everything we see is an appearency that manifest like an image 
on a tv screen due to the programming (postulates) that say what will appear 
and where and what properties it will have.
  I did not find that Tom gave any exercises in how to do anything with this 
theory.  There was no way to teleport myself anywhere by just thinking that i 
had moved or anything else practical.

When you completed level 5 did you find that all of life consists of beings 
playing games?  
I find that everything i do and that others i am aware of do is games that they 
play to generate the sensations they crave.  People want the sensations they 
get from eating, sex, love, acquiring stuff etc.etc.etc.

The biggest games are those played by the owners of the central banks who get 
interest from all the trillions of dollars, pounds, rubles, yen and remimbi 
they create out of nothing and loan to the governments of every nation in the 
world except North Korea.

These guys have figured out how to rob everyone in the world of their work and 
creativity and property for doing nothing but managing the accounts.

What a game!

TROM starts by teaching us how to postulate with Repair of Importance which in 
turn puts us in control of where we put our attention (off the mind and on to 
what we are creating) and goes on to clean up the mind with timebreaking but 
then goes further to teach us how to recognize the games others are trying to 
get us to play either as perpetrators while they play the victim or as victims 
of their games.  

By using the understanding of games and how they work we can put out a pan 
determined postulate to get the other guy to play nice or go away and leave us 
alone, we can decide not the play and just go do something else, we can end the 
game by letting them "win".

We can become game masters and work to create a community where everyone wins 
or assume a no games state and just do RI for a while.

Looks to me like there is a lot to do with TROM after completing level 5.

Keep on TROMing
Pete McLaughlin

Sent from my iPad

> On Feb 7, 2017, at 11:22 AM, The Resolution of Mind list 
> <trom@lists.newciv.org> wrote:
> *************
> The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
> ************
> Yes, it is a very good book by Ron.  After "Creation of Human Ability" comes 
> "Fundamentals of Thought".  On the practical side, there is "Problems of 
> Work" and Dianetics 55".  I have read these all several times decades ago.  
> After all of one's processing there is then the practical.  TROM can give one 
> a foundation for doing practical.  Meditation improves one's ability to be in 
> control of one's mind so that one can practice being 'Love' and having 
> affinity.  Being 'Cause' is purely a function of being in control of one's 
> mind which can only come after being clear, lots of practical and full 
> knowledge of what comprises universes, physical and non-physical.
> Paul
>> On Feb 7, 2017, at 8:52 AM, The Resolution of Mind list wrote:
>> *************
>> The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
>> ************
>> Thank you very much for that expanded perspective beyond TROM.
>> Did the book, "Creation of Human Ability" do anything for you - Dennis 
>> seemed to prize it and that is why I am asking.
>> Tom Campbell practiced Transcendental Meditation and played with the 
>> hemi-sync experiments.
>> karalee
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