The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
I came across an interesting datum about changes. Lrh once mentioned in an
old auditor course paper (How to Security check 6111C02), something along
these lines: the only response that you should consider in the emeter is
that one that happens within the first tenth of a second (considering you
had an standard emeter for that time - I dont know much about emeters let
alone their evolution).

So that  gave me an insight I didnt have from the beginning of my clearing
journey. I did develop an intuition regarding changes which is in
accordance with this datum, but nevertheless I didnt have noticed that
other changes could be disregatded. Example I'm chronically anxious and
probably neurotic so I always had sensations in abundance at all times
confusing my judgement; and also I always considered slower changes like
physiological changes as in the case when I do RI.

Could someone comment on the current validity or perhaps obsoleteness of


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