The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
There s ho hum in the tech dictionary. I accidentally found it.

It say it is "minus randomity"; which I take as below the ideal level of
motion or change.


Em 1 de abr de 2017 8:38 PM, "The Resolution of Mind list" <
trom@lists.newciv.org> escreveu:

The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org

This makes more sense.

I never could nor tried to pinpoint exact points in the tone scale while
processing. Interesting information though. :)


Em 31 de mar de 2017 12:19 PM, "The Resolution of Mind list" <
trom@lists.newciv.org> escreveu:

> *************
> The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
> ************
> Hi Marcus,
> Tone scale as far as humans (thetan plus body) are concerned:
> (For an extensive understanding of the whole tone scale and its application
> read Ron Hubbard's "Science Of Survival".)
> 4.0     enthusiasm, exhilaration
> 3,5     happiness
> 3.3     strong interest
> 3.0     conservative
> 2.9     mild interest
> 2.8     contentment
> 2.6     disinterest
> 2.5     boredom
> 2.4     monotony
> 2.0     antagonism
> 1.9     hostility
> 1.8     hurt
> 1.5     anger
> 1.4     hatred
> 1.3     hostility
> 1.2     no mercy
> 1.15    unexpressed anger
> 1.1     covered hostility
> 1.0     fear
> 0.5     grief
> 0.1     apathy
> 0.0     death
> It can be seen that interest resides in a whole band ranging
> approximately around 2.9 to 3.3.
> A lack of interest isn't identical with the emotion of
> boredom and vice versa.
> "Ho hum" is kind of humorous slang term which just means
> that one does not care about something or the subject has
> cooled down. Like a process has gone "flat" because all the
> charge available had been discharged through its application.
> One looses interest in the particular subject or item. And actually
> one should come out of that toward happiness and not in the other
> direction toward boredom ... antagonism ... apathy.
> Therefore you look for the proper end-phenomenon of your process.
> A part of it is VGIs (very good indicators) or at least GIs (good
> indicators) plus a cognition (no matter if small or big), any desirable
> change in awareness, a regained ability or lost disability. Plus, if
> the session is metered, a F/N (floating needle).
> If you force yourself - or be forced by someone - to continue an
> activity for which you do not have the tiniest bit of interest,
> what do you think will happen with you emotionally?
> Auditors check for interest on their PCs. They seek agreement
> on items to run and on processes. And it is done _before_ you
> start and certainly this is not to justify Q&A or to abandon
> something that still produces change prematurely. B.t.w "underrun"
> (abandoning a process too early) can really make a mess of a
> PC when done habitually. Overrun is merely an annoyance and waste
> of time but otherwise harmless. Never the less, when you feel
> bored or otherwise mis-emotional suddenly, do not tell yourself:
> "Well, I guess this is flat now - yawn - a cup of coffee would
> be a good ... or perhaps I rather take a nap ... chrrrr."
> One of the oldest scientologist's phrases is probably this one:
> "The way out is the way through" - immediately
> followed by: "That which turns it on (e.g. a somatic, mis-emotion,
> ...), that will turn it off when continued long enough."
> There is no reason why an unaberated being could not do any action
> ad infinitum. He simply does it every time in a new time cycle
> or in other words: perfectly in present time.
> For homo sapiens we lower the gradient just a little bit and
> say: You passed when you can do it three times in a row with
> ease and no variation in communication-lag. And when you can do
> that cheerfully and you're satisfied with what you did, then
> you can have your coffee break :-)
> And if one follows this rule with consequence there will be no
> limit to that small band of 0.0 to 4.0 any more.
> (Note: The tone scale extends to +/-40 and probably beyond)
> Best
> Robin
> -----
> On Fri, 31 Mar 2017 14:00:03 +0200, <trom-requ...@lists.newciv.org> wrote:
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>> Today's Topics:
>>    1. To karalee Re:  To Marcus About Boredom
>>       (The Resolution of Mind list)
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2017 18:55:19 -0300
>> From: The Resolution of Mind  list <trom@lists.newciv.org>
>> To: trom@lists.newciv.org
>> Subject: [TROM1] To karalee Re:  To Marcus About Boredom
>> Message-ID: <mailman.4771.1490910927.1346.t...@lists.newciv.org>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>> Dennis usually uses a term which I believe denotes extreme boredom
>> 'ho-hum'
>> as a indicator of the process being flat.
>> For me the only distinct emotions I always sense when timebreaking are a
>> 'Must not-know' (what I meant by repulsive) which is probably something
>> below 2.0 tone and a curiosity which is probably over 4.0 (interest), when
>> my confront is already high on the subject; this is my guess. After that
>> point it turns to boredom maybe (2.5?) , but it definitely ceases to be
>> interest.
>> That elicits a question, can it become boredom before it turns higher up
>> on
>> the scale. I think the risk exists, specially if RI stock is low. But at
>> least you would have it nulled (but not erased). After doing RI you'd
>> detect (feel curiosity by the sensations and emotions still available by
>> that subject) and easily not-know it, or erase it, for as far as your
>> abilities (level) would allow you; a total erasure or an erasure of only
>> some elements. That's my way of guiding myself.
>> What's your best method to detect process flatness or overrun?
>> Marcus
>> Em 29 de mar de 2017 12:40 AM, "The Resolution of Mind list" <
>> trom@lists.newciv.org> escreveu:
>> *************
>>> The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
>>> ************
>>> Scientology taught me that boredom is on the tone scale and, like any
>>> other emotion can be - as Dennis says - "touched" and dissipated,
>>> emotions
>>> being light particles, so, yes, I want to quit at boredom too; however
>>> above boredom are more interesting emotions, but it's not bad to settle
>>> for
>>> boredom if it is higher than the beginning emotional state. For example,
>>> I'm mostly in a studied contentment these days and consider it quite
>>> acceptable compared with my previous chronic emotional states.... and the
>>> nulling of certain compulsions to jump into things and interact gives me
>>> more time to analyze before I make any interactions.
>>> Is boredom indicative of overrun? How does one restore oneself after
>>> overrun?
>>> karalee
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