The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
Thanks Marcus,

interesting, I was not aware that "ho-hum" had found its way into
the tech. dictionary :-)
Anyway, have you looked up "minus randomity" as well?

Here they are all together:
[MINUS RANDOMITY, 1. from the viewpoint of the individual, that thing which
has too little motion in it for his tolerance is minus randomity. (Abil 36) 2 . a
good statement of minus randomity would be: things are too slow. Things are
certainly slow around here, life is dull, there is nothing happening. (Abil 36)]

[PLUS RANDOMITY, from the viewpoint of the individual, something which has in
it too much motion or unexpectedness for his tolerance is plus randomity.
(Abil 36)]

[RANDOMITY, 1. the amount of predicted and unpredicted motion a person has, in ratio. He likes 50/50. (PAB 30) 2 . the degree of randomity is measured by the
randomness of effort vectors within the organism, amongst organisms,
amongst races or species of organisms or between organisms and the physical
universe. (Scn 0-8, p. 79) 3 . a component factor and necessary part of motion, if
motion is to continue. The three degrees of randomity consist of minus
randomity, optimum randomity, and plus randomity. (Scn 0-8, p. 79)
4 . the misalignment through the internal or external efforts by other forms of life or the material universe of the efforts of an organism, and is imposed on the
physical organism by counter-efforts in the environment. (Scn 0-8, p. 78)]




On Wed, 05 Apr 2017 14:00:03 +0200, <trom-requ...@lists.newciv.org> wrote:

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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: To Robin Re: Tone Scale & More On Overrun
      (The Resolution of Mind list)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2017 20:37:15 -0300
From: The Resolution of Mind  list <trom@lists.newciv.org>
To: trom@lists.newciv.org
Subject: Re: [TROM1] To Robin Re: Tone Scale & More On Overrun
Message-ID: <mailman.6704.1491349025.1346.t...@lists.newciv.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

There s ho hum in the tech dictionary. I accidentally found it.

It say it is "minus randomity"; which I take as below the ideal level of
motion or change.


Em 1 de abr de 2017 8:38 PM, "The Resolution of Mind list" <
trom@lists.newciv.org> escreveu:

The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org

This makes more sense.

I never could nor tried to pinpoint exact points in the tone scale while
processing. Interesting information though. :)


Em 31 de mar de 2017 12:19 PM, "The Resolution of Mind list" <
trom@lists.newciv.org> escreveu:

The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
Hi Marcus,

Tone scale as far as humans (thetan plus body) are concerned:
(For an extensive understanding of the whole tone scale and its application
read Ron Hubbard's "Science Of Survival".)

4.0     enthusiasm, exhilaration
3,5     happiness
3.3     strong interest
3.0     conservative
2.9     mild interest
2.8     contentment
2.6     disinterest
2.5     boredom
2.4     monotony
2.0     antagonism
1.9     hostility
1.8     hurt
1.5     anger
1.4     hatred
1.3     hostility
1.2     no mercy
1.15    unexpressed anger
1.1     covered hostility
1.0     fear
0.5     grief
0.1     apathy
0.0     death

It can be seen that interest resides in a whole band ranging
approximately around 2.9 to 3.3.
A lack of interest isn't identical with the emotion of
boredom and vice versa.

"Ho hum" is kind of humorous slang term which just means
that one does not care about something or the subject has
cooled down. Like a process has gone "flat" because all the
charge available had been discharged through its application.

One looses interest in the particular subject or item. And actually
one should come out of that toward happiness and not in the other
direction toward boredom ... antagonism ... apathy.
Therefore you look for the proper end-phenomenon of your process.
A part of it is VGIs (very good indicators) or at least GIs (good
indicators) plus a cognition (no matter if small or big), any desirable
change in awareness, a regained ability or lost disability. Plus, if
the session is metered, a F/N (floating needle).

If you force yourself - or be forced by someone - to continue an
activity for which you do not have the tiniest bit of interest,
what do you think will happen with you emotionally?

Auditors check for interest on their PCs. They seek agreement
on items to run and on processes. And it is done _before_ you
start and certainly this is not to justify Q&A or to abandon
something that still produces change prematurely. B.t.w "underrun"
(abandoning a process too early) can really make a mess of a
PC when done habitually. Overrun is merely an annoyance and waste
of time but otherwise harmless. Never the less, when you feel
bored or otherwise mis-emotional suddenly, do not tell yourself:
"Well, I guess this is flat now - yawn - a cup of coffee would
be a good ... or perhaps I rather take a nap ... chrrrr."

One of the oldest scientologist's phrases is probably this one:
"The way out is the way through" - immediately
followed by: "That which turns it on (e.g. a somatic, mis-emotion,
...), that will turn it off when continued long enough."

There is no reason why an unaberated being could not do any action
ad infinitum. He simply does it every time in a new time cycle
or in other words: perfectly in present time.

For homo sapiens we lower the gradient just a little bit and
say: You passed when you can do it three times in a row with
ease and no variation in communication-lag. And when you can do
that cheerfully and you're satisfied with what you did, then
you can have your coffee break :-)

And if one follows this rule with consequence there will be no
limit to that small band of 0.0 to 4.0 any more.
(Note: The tone scale extends to +/-40 and probably beyond)




On Fri, 31 Mar 2017 14:00:03 +0200, <trom-requ...@lists.newciv.org> wrote:

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Today's Topics:

   1. To karalee Re:  To Marcus About Boredom
      (The Resolution of Mind list)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2017 18:55:19 -0300
From: The Resolution of Mind  list <trom@lists.newciv.org>
To: trom@lists.newciv.org
Subject: [TROM1] To karalee Re:  To Marcus About Boredom
Message-ID: <mailman.4771.1490910927.1346.t...@lists.newciv.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Dennis usually uses a term which I believe denotes extreme boredom
as a indicator of the process being flat.

For me the only distinct emotions I always sense when timebreaking are a
'Must not-know' (what I meant by repulsive) which is probably something
below 2.0 tone and a curiosity which is probably over 4.0 (interest), when my confront is already high on the subject; this is my guess. After that
point it turns to boredom maybe (2.5?) , but it definitely ceases to be

That elicits a question, can it become boredom before it turns higher up
the scale. I think the risk exists, specially if RI stock is low. But at
least you would have it nulled (but not erased). After doing RI you'd
detect (feel curiosity by the sensations and emotions still available by
that subject) and easily not-know it, or erase it, for as far as your
abilities (level) would allow you; a total erasure or an erasure of only
some elements. That's my way of guiding myself.

What's your best method to detect process flatness or overrun?


Em 29 de mar de 2017 12:40 AM, "The Resolution of Mind list" <
trom@lists.newciv.org> escreveu:

The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org

Scientology taught me that boredom is on the tone scale and, like any
other emotion can be - as Dennis says - "touched" and dissipated,
being light particles, so, yes, I want to quit at boredom too; however
above boredom are more interesting emotions, but it's not bad to settle
boredom if it is higher than the beginning emotional state. For example,
I'm mostly in a studied contentment these days and consider it quite
acceptable compared with my previous chronic emotional states.... and the nulling of certain compulsions to jump into things and interact gives me
more time to analyze before I make any interactions.

Is boredom indicative of overrun? How does one restore oneself after


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