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Hi Karalee
 Your quote from the Tao Te Ching "Complicated minds require drastic measures" 
sounds to me like a warning that complicated minds may "want" drastic solutions 
but would get better results from gentle solutions.

Lester Levenson was a great inspiration to me. I have a copy of his "Keys to 
Ultimate Freedom" which is out of print now.

It is a failing of TROM that there is no co-audit built into the system as set 
up and no reward for disseminating the study. TROM is best sold to people who 
want a do it yourself approach and should be marketed this way, but how to 
advertise effectively?

Working at TROM in the slow persistent method that i am using i do a lot of 
study of the games people play, even watching Game of Thrones to see that To Be 
Known games of people vying to be king of the world.
I have read recently The Dictator's Handbook by Bueno De Mesquita which is 
excellent on the games of politicians, dictators, and business executives or 
anyone else trying to get power over others to take their wealth.  This is a 
classic To Be Known game.

I am now reading "Game Theory 101, Bargaining" by William Spaniel. This is a 
book on how to negotiate and get what you want.  This would be developing skill 
at effecting the To Be Known game by convincing others to give me what i want.

These studies focus my attention on my conflicts with others so i can do 
"releasing" on them as Lester put it or timebreaking as Dennis would say.

All of this shows me i have a long way to go.

To leave this universe or to not leave this universe is the question? A feature 
of the physical universe is that much of what is around us if the creation of 
others or of automatic processes so it persists even if we do nothing. This 
frees up my attention to working on just what i want to change.
If i go to another universe i will spend time learning how to get along there 
and will still have to deal with others who may or may not be friendly. 
Obviously at my level of skill leaving is not attractive. Maybe next lifetime.

Keep on TROMing
Pete McLaughlin

Sent from my iPad

> On Jul 12, 2017, at 8:30 AM, The Resolution of Mind list 
> <trom@lists.newciv.org> wrote:
> *************
> The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
> ************
> Hello, Pete, there has been a lot of discussion about that in this household. 
> Yes, Hubbard wrote an apparently best selling book (Dianetics), which has 
> morphed into the mainstream psychology as "Trauma Incident Reduction", and I 
> suppose the mainstream psychology is still doing a good business.
> I've been studying the Tao Te Ching and it says complicated minds require 
> drastic measures, which I read as "undercuts" or bridges. Hubbard spent a lot 
> of time looking for undercuts, such as the CCH's, the Purif, Awareness Scale, 
> Self Analysis, etcetera. 
> If I were to develop further along my desire to be a separate therapist I 
> already know what undercuts I would use to gradiently move them towards being 
> able to handle their own case using the TO KNOW package. Hint: people usually 
> want to run their motivators (victim/suffering side). Idenics tech is 
> beautiful for such people because they immediately start learning to look for 
> and name off postulates in the incident, and it includes making mock-ups 
> (havingness).
> Lester Levenson is also a model for me and here is his story:
> Lester Levenson Story
> He worked hard too at developing an entry level gradient towards plugging in 
> raw postulates, called The Sedona Method. 
> Lester attracted crowds who wanted to be in his space, so when we get to 
> Lester's level of awareness and self-realization we might experience the same 
> effect on others without even trying. In those days Lester did not have SKYPE 
> or Google Hangouts.
> A very small percentage took case change as far as Lester did, and this is 
> where patience is needed and the viewpoint of an eternal omniscient spiritual 
> being, observing their inner turmoil and contemplating their return - perhaps 
> over lifetimes (Tao Te Ching). 
> All the greats who stayed around did what Lester did - found a place of quiet 
> and solitude and aggressively timebreaked everything they could find ... it 
> took Lester three months of full-time solitude to finish the job, finally 
> resolving separation and oneness and fear of death and the mustness of the 
> "to change" postulate. He also did a lot of "re-framing" which I suppose was 
> a type of havingness process for him, mocking up different scenarios than the 
> original scene.
> Lester also mentioned that about 99% of people who reach full 
> self-realization of native state do not stick around like he did. Hubbard of 
> course did not reach full self-realization - not yet :-)
> karalee
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