Was Jesus at the time he said this as perfect as his heavenly Father?  Was Jesus at age 12 as perfect as his heavenly Father?  Has Jesus always been as perfect as his heavenly Father?
Peace be with you.
David Miller
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 7:30 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Matthew 5:48 Coffman's Commentary and ABSOLUTE PERFECTION

Glenn - Matt. 5:8 doesn't say, Jesus, it says God the Father. 

The problem with Coffman's commentary is that he defines being perfect in an absolute sense of having no room to grow.  This is NOT what Jesus meant.  Coffman's comments are fine with regard to absolute perfection and the Christian walk, but they do not apply properly to Mat. 5:48.  Jesus said, "THEREFORE" in Mat. 5:48, indicating that his statement is defined by what he said before.  We can be perfect as the heavenly Father in the same way that Jesus was perfect as the heavenly Father.  Jesus still grew in wisdom, and learned obedience by the things that he suffered as a man.  Jesus still said, "why call ye me good, there is none good but the Father" and "the Father is greater than me."  Jesus is our example of what is meant by being perfect as our heavenly Father.  Coffman is apparently a little mixed up on this one point.

Peace be with you.
David Miller.

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