By the way, I have not received a couple of posts I sent to TT today. Did anyone get my post with the subject of Talents? I think my Sweetie will have a lot of computer fixing to do tonight! Izzy


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of ShieldsFamily
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 12:30 PM
Subject: [TruthTalk] Questions about the Sabbath




Michael D: Thanx Izzy for the scriptures. Have you ever considered though that the OT sabbath was a type/shadow of a different rest in the NT.


Izzy: I certainly agree with this point, although I do not think the NT negates the OT. I think the NT fulfilled the OT by showing a fuller revelation of God’s commandments, but did not cancel the OT. Jesus obeyed the OT commandments. I believe the early church honored the Sabbath, also. Does that make any sense at all? I am not theologian!


 To me this is an important consideration since in the Church age, believers are never command to observe a sabbath, but are instructed to enter into the rest of faith which Jesus gave us, where we now cease from our own labours, but accept His labour for us in being at peace now with the Father? How do you see that? (Hebrews 4 would be a good reference for this).


Izzy: Again I see your point, which is very valid. However I do not observe the Sabbath to obtain my salvation (I can rest from that work that Jesus has done). I observe the Sabbath to obey the Lord’s commandments, which as far as I can tell, He never rescinded. I trust that He has good reasons for commanding us to do this, some I can understand, some I surely can’t. But I can trust and obey.


I also don’t insist that I am “right” about this issue; it is just something I believe the Holy Spirit has impressed upon me whenever I read the scriptures. If I am wrong, I am sure God won’t mind if I honor His Sabbath, just the same.


I would love to hear other viewpoints from TT.








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