On Tue, 3 Jun 2003 20:25:18 -0400 "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Gary wrote:

>>so what are SPs preachin', e.g., due to the
>>impact of obesity on SPF and the relationship
>>betw obesity and NT 'gluttony'(?)--'eat all
>>you wanna eat whenever, but don't be friends
>>with a woman'?

> I don't understand why you keep bringing up the obesity thing.
check out their pics; e.g., acc to Suzanne Summers on TV today, 65% (and within a year, potentially, exponentially, 75%) of American adults are 'overweight'
also, I didn't see where the SPs mention this (example) of sin/s in a NT context, but (rather) they blast away homosex, etc., while, acc to the Ap Paul/NT, even 'gossip' (as well as 'gluttony') is equally sinful as homosex problems relative to the KoG
well, e.g., what's the diff betw obesity (as an outcome of 'gluttony') and AIDS (as an outcome of homosex) in terms of the impact on health care costs? FTR, I suspect that obesity has a far greater cost impact..
Nevertheless, as I pointed out, check out the questions the SPs in question ask an applicant (on the Internet); their questions/expected answers seem to follow a 'moral' agenda plotted out at the (flabby) RNC:) not at (e.g) the (lean and mean<vbg> Jerusalem Council, ~AD15 <vbg>..
The NT 'narrowed' idea (of Jesus himself) is to follow/please the Lord, not GWB/RNC/SLC/MMC whatever..
>How much do you weigh?   ..
240# now(*) , but I'm 6'2" with a 39" waist, ~50" chest, 17.5" biceps/triceps and, at the ripe age of 53, (by faith:) play on 3 baseball teams for fun--one an 'over 50' (or 50+) team, the other two for 38+ players (age-wise)..also, on a co-ed softball team through my job/work as a lifeguard at the local Englewood Rec Center
To give you an idea about this activity [as an antidote to (my) gluttony/obesity that works], last Sat. after playing every inning of a 9-inning bb game, I swam 2500 meters--100 meter bursts--50 down, 50 back (x 25)--in about 45 minutes; then did a series of lifeguard training exercises, e.g., where we (~10 lifeguards, in pairs) were required to rescue a drowning 'spinal cord' victim at the bottom of a twelve foot diving zone and extract him strapped to a backboard in less than three minutes; that's twelve feet down, pick up the vic, and return to the surface slowly, under control at ~45 deg angle to prevent further spinal injury, transfer the vic, etc. | Tonite, after the co-ed softball game, I did 16-50 yd wind sprints, i.e., run 50, walk 25, run 50, walk 25, etc. in the park across the street. | This a.m. (before lunch with the boys at which I ate one side salad and drank a cup of coffee:) I walked to the Eng HS and back, ~2.2 miles total, with 10# leg weights and 10# 'dumbbells' (= 40 additional #s) workin' out the upper body (numerous reps of curls, presses, etc) while walkin' down and back in ~40 minutes...and, ftr, I'm gettin' ready to do it again before I go to sleep:) | * However, on a more humble/ing (perhaps bearable:) note, it hasn't always been like this; as you (DavidM) alluded to, I had nearly killed myself via heart attack ~125# overweight ~5 years ago before changing 'focus' or 'narrowing' (as described in several contexts today)--praise God! (not Jos Smith, GWB, or even Suzanne Summers; BUT it's fair to say that SS is definitely more useful reading than either of 'em<lol>)
>Is this something that is now in your past?
of course; as 'hands of stone' said...'no mas'! :)
> There are only a few of the preachers I know who are overweight.
> Most are young and very lean.
perhaps (but how about Jn Haggie on TV) (sp.?) and, since this is TT, I'd probably wager that you'll actually discover that ~65% of preachers are strugglin' with this cultural malaise personally (and, unfortunately, they'd sooner tell SS to go to hell than read her books/try her ideas)

>Gary wrote:
>>and, are you saying this is the first 'wicked generation'?

> [DavidM:]
> No.
> Gary wrote:

>>when was our culture free of Satan?

> [DavidM:]
>Never, as far as I know, which is why we are commanded to bear
>witness against it and to persuade people to come out of it and enter
>Christ's kingdom, which 
[will be, IMO; not 'is'] free of Satan.
>>but the Mormons seem to hate the way street
>>preachers go about sharing their faith as well. 

>Gary wrote:
>>they do? let's see what DaveH has to say about this
>>--he's never given this impression, has he? but, if
>>so, when and where was that?

>I've shared various articles about how the Mormons are trying to
>get some city property so that they can keep the street preachers away
>from their temple in Salt Lake City.  That's what I had in mind.
another MM/PP issue--eh? 
to me, this simply means that SLC/MMM is just like Disneyland--primarily concerned about humoring Americans in the here and now while rakin' in as much money as possible..
but why do you care while you're not inclined to risk preachg like an SP anyway?

>Peace be with you...
Thank you:) You, too.

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