Hi Terry,
You wrote:"You are asking too many questions at one time. Anyone trying to answer would have to write a book. We are still working on speaking the truth in love ( with limited success)."

Brother, I did not intend to ask anyone to answer all the questions, but just put them out as food for thought. If one grabs your attention, make some comments and let us purpose to have a meaningful and edifying conversation/discussion. I constantly need to be moved on in my understanding and appreciation of the things of God from where I am and what I currently understand to where He wants me to be and what He wants me to understand. I'm learning that God often works that transformation through interaction with other saints in whom He is doing the very same work!

I look forward to hearing what God is doing/teaching in the lives of others of my brothers and sisters regarding the church.

Your brother in Christ,

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to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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