On Sun, 9 Nov 2003 12:24:57 -0500 "Slade Henson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>"Gal 5:4 -- You are severed from Christ, you who would be justified by the
>law; you have fallen away from grace."
>..Ecclesiastes: "..: Fear God and keep His commandments; for this applies
>to EVERY MAN.."
Bogging us down further in DavidM's 'Methodist' legalism stems from your own confusion, Slade.
Advancing/practicing Ecclesiastes while preaching to DavidM from Galatians proves it--you are totally confused! FTR, The one non-Mormon more confused than you are, is DavidM. He even sounds worried that you've banished him from the kingdom of God preaching Ecclesiates and he can't wait for Izzy to hurry up and literally reinstate him. (You guys are playin' with fire--don't get Izzy on your bad side!:)

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